Handbook F-101 Revision: Handling Partial Blocks of Domestic Money Orders

Effective immediately, all postal retail units (PRUs), and contract postal units (CPUs) must send all partial and full blocks of blank money orders that cannot be issued within the unit to the servicing stamp distribution office (SDO) or stamp services center (SSC). PRUs no longer destroy par­tial blocks of money orders locally. This also includes the old style money orders that are no longer saleable.

Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures, is being revised to update the procedures for handling partial blocks of blank money orders. (This policy change does not apply to voided/spoiled money orders or mutilated/damaged money orders submitted for replacement.)

Partial blocks of domestic money orders must be sub­mitted to the SDO or SSC during the regular schedule for returning items for destruction provided by the SDO or SSC. Exception: Units that are closing or are converting to point of service (POS) must coordinate with the servicing SDO or SSC the immediate return of all blank money orders.

Upon receipt of partial blocks of domestic blank money orders, SDOs and SSCs submit them to the stamp destruc­tion committee (SDC) for destruction and follow the same procedure for destruction of stamps.

Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures (FAP)

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10 Postal Money Orders

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10-5 Spoiled and Voided Money Orders

10-5.1 PRU Procedures

[Delete third bullet in the first paragraph that states “Money orders that have not been issued”.]

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[Delete 10-5.3, Money Order Destruction, in its entirety.]

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11 Accountable Paper — PRUs

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11-6 Returning Stock to the SDO or SSC

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11-6.11 Blank Money Order Stock

[Revise 11-6.11 to read as follows:]

Postal retail units (PRUs) and contract postal units (CPUs) must send partial and full blocks of blank money orders that cannot be reissued within the unit to the servicing SDO or SSC.

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[Add section 11-6.11.1 to read as follows:]

11-6.11.1 Returning Blank Money Order Stock for Reissue

PRUs and CPUs must send unopened full blocks of domestic money orders and all international money orders that cannot be reissued within the unit to the SDO or SSC for redistribution. PRUs and CPUs must receive authoriza­tion from the servicing SDO or SSC prior to returning unopened full blocks of domestic money orders or any international money orders

When returning blank money orders to the servicing SDO or SSC for reissue, the unit reserve stock custodian does the following:

n Prepares an original and three copies of PS Form 17 and marks the forms as “Returned Money Orders”.

n Prepares a separate PS Form 17 for each carton. The PS Form 17 must equal the exact contents of the carton.

n With a witness, independently verifies the unopened full blocks of money orders and any international money orders and enters the item number, quantity, and serial number ranges on PS Form 17.

Prepare and submit blank money order stock for return as follows:

n Place the original PS Form 17 in a sealed envelope and tape the envelope to the outside of the carton.

n Place two copies of the PS Form 17 inside the carton and file the third copy locally.

n Do not include partial blocks of domestic blank money orders or stamp stock.

n Use Registered Mail service to ship the carton to the servicing SDO or SSC.

[Add section 11-6.11.2 to read as follows:]

11-6.11.2 Running Blank Money Order Stock for Destruction

PRUs and CPUs must send partial blocks of blank domes­tic money orders that cannot be reissued within the unit to the SDO or SSC for destruction. Partial blocks of domestic money orders must be submitted to the servicing SDO or SSC during the regular schedule for returning items for destruction provided by the SDO or SSC. (Exception: Units that are closing or are converting to point of service (POS) must coordinate with the servicing SDO or SSC the immediate return of all blank money orders.)

When returning partial blocks of domestic blank money orders to the servicing SDO or SSC, the unit reserve stock custodian does the following:

n Prepares an original and three copies of PS Form 17 and marks the forms as “Money Orders for Destruction”.

n Prepares a separate PS Form 17 for each carton. The PS Form 17 must equal the exact contents of the carton.

n With a witness, independently counts the individual blank money orders and enters the item number, quantity, and serial number ranges on PS Form 17.

Prepare and submit shipments of partial blocks of domes­tic blank money orders returned for destruction as follows:

n Place the original PS Form 17 in a sealed envelope and tape the envelope to the outside of the carton.

n Place two copies of the PS Form 17 inside the carton and file the third copy locally.

n Do not include full blocks of domestic money orders, international money orders, or stamp stock.

n Use Registered Mail service to ship the carton to the servicing SDO or SSC.

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12 Accountable Paper — SDO, SSC, and SFS

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12-2 Receiving Accountable Paper

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12-2.6 Stamp Stock Received From a PRU Within the Distribution Area

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12-2.6.3 Money Order Stock

[Revise 12-2.6.3 to read as follows:]

The servicing SDO or SSC must authorize PRUs or CPUs to return full blocks of blank money orders and all blank international money orders.

PRUs and CPUs must submit partial blocks of domestic money orders to the servicing SDO or SSC during the reg­ular schedule for returning items for destruction provided by the SDO or SSC. (Exception: Units that are closing or are converting to point of service (POS) must coordinate with the servicing SDO or SSC the immediate return of all blank money orders.)

The manager or supervisor of the SDO or SSC enters blank money order stock received from PRUs and CPUs within the distribution area as follows:

a. Full blocks of domestic money orders and all international blank money order stock:

n Verify, sign, and date the PS Form 17 sent by the unit returning blank money orders.

n Contact the shipping unit if there is a discrepancy.

n Receive the blank money order stock into inven­tory by reporting the item number, quantity, and serial numbers of the blank money orders in SSS using IMOD 02, Returned from Post Office. The SDO or SSC reissues full blocks of blank domes­tic money orders and all blank international money orders to units within the distribution area.

n Keep the PS Form 17 on file as supporting documentation.

b. Partial blocks of domestic blank money orders:

n Report the amount listed on the PS Form 17 sent by the unit in SSS using IMOD 02.

n Transfer the money orders to a holding vault, held for destruction.

n After the SDO or SSC receives the certified PS Forms 17 from the SDC, the SDO or SSC supervi­sor makes entries per item number into the SSS using IMOD 08, Destroyed.

The stamp destruction committee (SDC) follows guidelines in subchapter 12-5, Stamp Stock Destruction, for destroy­ing money orders.

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13 Stamp Stock and Cash Credits

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13-7 Contract Postal Unit Stamp Credit Count

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13-7.3 Closing a CPU

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13-7.3.2 Returning Accountable Papers

[Revise 13-7.3.2 to read as follows:]

If the CPU issues postal money orders, the CPU must return all partial and full blocks of blank money orders to the servicing SDO or SSC.

CPUs must follow the procedure in section 11-6.11.1 when returning unopened full blocks of money orders and all international money orders.

CPUs must follow the procedure in section 11-6.11.2 when returning partial blocks of domestic money orders.

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Appendix III Exhibits

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[Delete Exhibit 4, Money Order Destruction Notification, in its entirety. Renumber Exhibits 5–17 as 4–16.]

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Money Orders

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[Delete Destruction, 10-5.3, from the index.]

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next updated version of Handbook F-101 available on the Accounting website:

n Go to http://blue.usps.gov/wps/portal/accounting.

n Under “References”, click the Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures (FAP) link.

The direct website address is http://blue.usps.gov/accounting/_pdf/HandbookF-101.pdf.