Management Instruction (MI) EL-890-2009-9, Recycling Undeliverable Standard Mail, Discarded Lobby Mail, and Other Recyclable Materials, now available on PolicyNet, is effective immediately.
This MI describes the recycling implementation steps designed to support Postal Service™ recycling initiatives. By focusing recycling efforts on undeliverable standard mail (USM) and discarded lobby mail (DLM), the Postal Service can effectively reduce waste disposal costs while implementing efficient and environmentally sound waste disposal practices.
The MI applies to all Postal Service facilities, offices, organizations, and locations that generate USM, DLM, and other recoverable materials such as cardboard, metals, and plastics. Every district is expected to assign a recycling coordinator to assist with the implementation and maintenance of recycling programs.
MI EL-890-2009-9 is available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:
n Go to
n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.
n Click MIs.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is
Safety and Environmental Performance Management, Employee Resource Management, 10-22-09