Effective April 1, 2010, PS Form 1769, Accident Report, is obsolete. This form is replaced by PS Form 1769/301, Accident Report, which is generated from the new Employee Health and Safety Application. Recycle unused copies of PS Form 1769 through your local recycling program.
To report an accident using the new Employee Health and Safety Application*:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov/.
n Click Log On, located at top left of Blue home page.
n Provide your Ace User ID and Password, and click Log On.
n Once logged on, click My Work.
n Under Safety Resource Tools, click Report and Accident or Incident.
n Log off Blue when you have finished reporting the accident or incident.
*Note: If you are an executive and administrative schedule (EAS) employee and do not have access to the new Employee Health and Safety Accident and Incident Reporting System, you can request access using eAccess. Type “EHS” in the eAccess Application Name search window, and in the field What type of access do you need? select “Accident/Incident Entry — EAS/EAS Details Only”.
— Safety and Environmental Performance Management, Employee Resource Management, 3-25-10