IMM Revision: Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco Prohibited in All Outbound and Inbound International Mail

Effective June 29, 2010, the Postal Service™ revised Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Inter­national Mail Manual (IMM®) to add a new section 136.4, which codifies that cigarettes (including roll-your-own tobacco) and smokeless tobacco products are nonmailable when sent in outbound or inbound international mail.

In the May 27, 2010, Federal Register (75 FR 29662–29671), we implemented the final rule for the specific requirements of the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act, which restricts the mailability of cigarettes and smoke­less tobacco in outbound or inbound international mail. The Postal Service does not believe that any alternative exists at this time to allow U.S. mailers to tender cigarettes and smokeless tobacco as outbound international mail or to receive them as inbound international mail under the exceptions provided in the PACT Act. Consequently, we are revising the IMM as follows:

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)

1 International Mail Services

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130 Mailability

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136 Nonmailable Goods

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[Insert new 136.4 as follows:]

136.4 Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco

Cigarettes (including roll-your-own tobacco) and smokeless tobacco products, as defined in DMM 601.11.1, are non­mailable when sent in outbound or inbound international mail. As noted in DMM 601.11.3, the exceptions for mailing under DMM 601.11.4 through 601.11.8 are not available for shipments of such products in international mail.

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We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the IMM and into the next monthly update (July 6, 2010) of the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at