Each year, the Postal Service™ designates the third full week of May as Mailbox Improvement Week to encourage customers on city motorized, rural, or contract delivery service routes (formerly highway contract box delivery routes) to examine and, where necessary, improve the appearance of their mailboxes. Neat, attractive mailboxes make a significant contribution to the appearance of the countryside and streets in suburban areas. Mailbox Improvement Week, May 16–22, calls attention to the need for providing mailboxes that are:
1. Approved by the postmaster general.
2. Designed to protect the mail from weather.
3. Safe to use.
4. Conveniently located.
5. Neat in appearance.
Additional information is available on the Delivery and Post Office Operations website at http://blue.usps.gov/delret/L4CityDelvry_GROWTH.htm.
Mailboxes that meet these five important requirements help delivery and collection operations and improve service to the entire route. There are three approved styles of curbside mailboxes:
1. Traditional design (see Exhibit A).
2. Contemporary design (see Exhibit B).
3. Locked, full, or limited service.
USPS-STD-7B governs the design and specifications of curbside mailboxes and includes provisions for improved quality of the product.
Postmasters should send Notice 209, Mailbox Improvement Week, to all rural and highway contract box delivery route customers the week before Mailbox Improvement Week to alert them of the event. You can order Notice 209 from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) through one of the following methods.
n Use touch-tone order entry (TTOE). Call 800-273–1509.
Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order). For complete TTOE ordering instructions, visit the Materials Customer Service website at http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/_doc/ops_ttoeins.doc or call National Materials Customer Service at 800-332–0317, option 4.
Use the following information to order Notice 209:
PSN: 7610-03-000-9145
Unit of Issue: EA
Quick Pick Number: 496
Bulk Pack Quantity: 3,000
Minimum Order Quantity: 50
Price: $0.0242
Customers must use only approved traditional, contemporary, or locked full/limited service curbside mailboxes for new installations or replacements. When new delivery is established or extended, postmasters must ensure that customers use delivery equipment that is approved by the postmaster general. However, a customer may use a custom-built curbside mailbox if the local postmaster gives prior approval and the mailbox conforms generally to the same requirements as approved manufactured curbside mailboxes relative to the flag, size, strength, and quality of construction.
Note: Postmasters do not have the authority to approve mailbox systems such as STD 4-C Wall Mounted Units or Cluster Box Units (CBUs) that are not approved by the postmaster general through the normal USPS® approval process.
Carriers on motorized city routes may continue to serve mailboxes that are designed primarily for use by customers receiving door delivery and that have been erected and served under previous regulations (see Exhibit C on the following page). However, carriers should advise customers that they may use only approved curbside mailboxes when replacing these types of mailboxes. A list of approved manufacturers of traditional curbside mailboxes appears on pages 47–50.
For motorized city routes, and where the use of street names and house numbers is authorized on rural and contract delivery service routes, the mailbox must display the number on the side of single mailboxes or on the door of grouped mailboxes. If the mailbox is on a street other than the one on which the customer resides, the street name and house number must be on the mailbox. When rural and contract delivery service route customers have assigned box numbers, the numbers must appear on the side of single mailboxes or on the doors of grouped mailboxes, visible to the approaching carrier. The street number, box number, and any other address information must be inscribed in contrasting color in neat letters and numerals not less than 1 inch in height. In all instances, placing the owner’s name on the box is optional, but not recommended by USPS.

Motorized city, rural, and contract delivery service route customers should be encouraged, but not required, to group mailboxes whenever practical, especially where many mailboxes are located at or near crossroads, service turnouts, or similar locations. Customers should also paint mailboxes and supports/posts and keep them rust-free. Advertising on mailboxes and mailbox supports is prohibited.
In areas where snow removal is a problem, the Postal Service suggests using a semi-arch or extended arm-type support (see Exhibit D), which allows snowplows to sweep near or under mailboxes without damaging supports and provides easy access to the mailboxes by carriers and customers.
Exhibit D

Generally, mailboxes should be installed at a height of 41–45 inches from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry. Mailboxes are set back 6–8 inches from the front face of the curb or road edge to the mailbox door. However, because of varying road and curb conditions and other factors, the Postal Service recommends that customers contact their local Post Office™ before erecting or replacing mailboxes and supports.
Customers must place mailboxes on motorized city, rural, and contract delivery service routes so a carrier can safely and conveniently serve them without leaving his or her vehicle. The mailboxes must be on the right-hand side of the road in the carrier’s travel direction in all cases where traffic conditions make it dangerous for the carrier to drive to the left to reach the mailboxes, or where doing so would constitute a violation of traffic laws and regulations. Postal Operations Manual (POM) 632.6 specifies postal regulations regarding locations for apartment houses and other multiple unit dwellings. On new rural and contract delivery service routes, all mailboxes must be on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of the route line of travel. Mailbox placement must conform with state laws and highway regulations. City motorized, rural, and highway contract box delivery route carriers are subject to the same traffic laws and regulations as other motorists. Customers must remove obstructions, including vehicles, trash cans, and snow, that impede safe and efficient delivery. Except when a mailbox is temporarily blocked, carriers must have access to the mailbox without leaving the vehicle unless authorized to dismount.
Location of centralized delivery equipment is discussed during the advent of planning and prior to the start of construction whenever possible. Discussing equipment locations early in the process allows for builders and USPS officials to determine the safest and most efficient locations for equipment. By co-locating boxes, USPS and the building industry realize the best return on the investments of centralized delivery. Factors to consider when determining locations for centralized delivery equipment include but are not limited to the following:
n Co-locating delivery equipment.
n Carriers’ line of travel.
n Customer and carrier safety.
n Customer accessibility (sufficient turnaround space and access for customers with disabilities).
n Equipment security.
The Postal Service does not regulate mailbox supports in any way except for purposes of carrier safety and delivery efficiency. Posts and other supports for curbside mailboxes are owned and controlled by customers, who are responsible for ensuring that posts are neat and adequate in strength and size. Heavy metal posts, concrete posts, and miscellaneous items of farm equipment, such as milk cans filled with concrete, are examples of potentially dangerous supports. The ideal support is an assembly that bends or falls away when struck by a vehicle. Post or support designs may not represent effigies or caricatures that disparage or ridicule any person. Customers may attach the box to a fixed or movable arm. POM 632.5 specifies postal regulations regarding construction and placement of mailboxes and supports on motorized city, rural, and contract delivery service routes.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that wooden mailbox supports no larger than 4 inches by 4 inches, or a 2-inch diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe, buried no more than 24 inches, should safely break away if struck by a vehicle. According to FHWA, the mailbox must also be securely attached to its post to prevent separation if struck. See Exhibits E (page 4) and F (page 5) for examples of mailbox mountings and supports suggested by the FHWA.
There are many items to consider when selecting your curbside mail receptacle. Your mailbox is where your Postal Service carrier places your mail at the time of delivery, but what about your packages?
A mail receptacle that can accommodate small packages will protect them from inclement weather and offer a safe haven for packages that may otherwise be left at your doorstep.
A mail receptacle large enough for larger packages to be placed inside can also be a convenient area for your carrier to pick up your outgoing packages through the USPS free Carrier Pickup™ program. By saving a trip to the Post Office, you conserve gasoline, save time, and help the environment.
Every mailbox appropriately constructed, installed, and in good physical condition allows the Postal Service to deliver the mail safely and efficiently, thus eliminating a trip to the Post Office for our customers, which saves fuel, thereby reducing carbon emissions.
However, the “greenest” form of mail delivery occurs where centralized mail delivery systems are located in neighborhoods that serve multiple residents from a single location.
Sometimes referred to as “clustered mailboxes” or “community mailboxes”, these neighborhood mailbox centers provide the greatest amount of fuel savings and carbon emission reductions because of the built-in efficiency of less truck idle time due to the carrier’s ability to deliver mail to multiple customers during a single stop.
Consider these statistics: For every 1 million curbline delivery points added, had they instead been added as centralized delivery at an average of 13 customer mailboxes per stop…
n Postal delivery trucks would stop only 76,923 times per day versus 1,000,000 times for each curbline start/stop.
n When expanded to include the entire delivery year, 280,000,000 truck stops per year — every year — would be saved for a whopping 92 percent reduction!
When the Postal Service increases the use of centralized delivery for new and existing customers, the benefits to our environment are significant. We realize immediate fuel savings, reductions in carbon emissions, and “greener” neighborhoods everywhere across the country.
In addition to fostering a sense of community, centralized delivery provides the added benefits of secure equipment for mail and package delivery, outgoing mail collection, and reduced carbon emissions.
So, if you’re establishing or extending centralized delivery in your area of operations, or as a customer, moving into or living in a neighborhood served through centralized mail delivery, know that you are also helping to improve your environment because your neighborhood is served using the greenest form of mail delivery.
Exhibit E
Exhibit F

USPS-STD-7B (Supersedes all previously published lists of approved manufacturers)
Address Art
PO Box 90018
Indianapolis, IN 46290-0018
Applicables 1 (Accessory)
Applicables 2 (Accessory)
Applicables 3 (Accessory)
Applicables/Purdue (Accessory)
Applicables/IU (Accessory)
Applicables/US Flag (Accessory)
Alpha Products
5570 West 70th Pl.
Chicago, IL 60638-5326
MV1215 (Locking)
American Postal Manufacturing
500 W. Oklahoma Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207-2649
1812 (Contemporary)
N1926045 (Contemporary)
Architectural Mailboxes, LLC
1600 W. Walnut St.
Compton, CA 90220-5023
5100 (Locking)
5500 (Contemporary)
6200 — (Locking)
7500 — (Contemporary)
Armadillo Enclosures
PO Box 462199
Escondido, CA 92046-2199
1000F (Traditional)
1000R (Locking)
Bobi Company
32 Hillcrest Ave.
Collingswood, NJ 08108-1315
BO37000A (Locking)
BO39000A (Locking)
BO22000 (Locking)
BO25000 (Locking)
BO55000 (Locking)
Brandon Industries
1601 Wilmeth Rd.
McKinney, TX 75069-8250
M1 (Contemporary)
M2 (Contemporary)
M3 (Contemporary)
M4 (Contemporary)
M5 (Contemporary)
Brightlight Solutions
201 S.W. 25th Ave.
Cape Coral, FL 33991-1236
1000 (Contemporary)
Creative Solutions, LLC
22 Millbranch Rd., S-710
Hattiesburg, MS 39402-1670
Crown Expressions
1095 C Nuff Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30318-4176
BA12 (Accessory)
BA12 (It’s a Beautiful World)
BA12 (Be My Valentine)
BA12 (Season Greetings)
BA12 (Have a Beautiful Day)
BA12 (It’s a Boy)
BA12 (It’s a Girl)
Davis Tool
3740 N.W. Aloclex Pl.
Hillsboro, OR 97124-7142
1022-X (Locking)
1025-X (Locking)
1123-X (Locking)
1125-X (Locking)
dVault Company, Inc.
9800 Mount Pyramid Court
Englewood, CO 80112-2669
DVCS0015 (Locking)
DVU0050 (Locking)
Energy Technology Labs
976 United Circle
Sparks, NV 89431-6514
Secure Mail Vault (Locking)
Epoch Design
17617 N.E. 65 St., Ste. 2
Redmond, WA 98052-4979
Mail Boss-7104 (Locking)
Estes Design and Manufacturing
470 S Mitthoeffer Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46229-3058
EPS2640437 (Contemporary)
EPS2640319 (Contemporary)
Euroasia Products
3956 Town Center Blvd. #166
Orlando, FL 32837-6103
UWWRX060401 (Contemporary)
UBBDX060403 (Contemporary)
UBBXX060404 (Contemporary)
USBXX060407 (Contemporary)
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
MB2000 (Locking)
Florida Aluminum Products
359 Douglas Rd.
Oldsmar, FL 34677-2973
ME (Contemporary)
Fort Knox Mailbox
265 Tech Way
Grant Pass, OR 97526-8530
Large Standard Mailbox (Locking)
The Fortress (Locking)
Fuoriserie Imports
351 37th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11232-2505
ECCO 3 (Traditional)
Gaines Manufacturing
12200 Kirkham Rd.
Poway, CA 92064-6806
Keystone (Contemporary)
MB-950BSN Seville (Traditional)
MB-550 Georgian (Traditional)
MB-158 Tuscany (Traditional)
MB-950BRBC Seville (Traditional)
MB-170 Mainstreet (Traditional)
MB-541 Northpointe (Traditional)
MB-970AB Westminster (Traditional)
MB-950WBC Seville (Traditional)
MB-370 Ventura (Traditional)
MB-320 Hamilton (Traditional)
MB-801 Ironsides (Traditional)
MB-384BC Alta Vista (Traditional)
MB-386C Monterey (Traditional)
MB-388B Hillcrest (Traditional)
MB-382T Fremont (Traditional)
MB-386OBR Monterey (Traditional)
MB-380B Sierra (Traditional)
MB-981B Reliant (Locking)
Imperial Mailbox Systems
3901 Norris Ln.
Millbrook, AL 36054-2433
001-01 (Contemporary)
001-04 (Contemporary)
001-06 (Contemporary)
001-07 (Contemporary)
001-08 (Contemporary)
001-09 (Contemporary)
002-00 (Contemporary)
Jamestown Advanced Products, Inc.
2855 Girts Rd.
Jamestown, NY 14701-9666
56 (Traditional)
49 (Traditional)
54 (Traditional)
23 (Traditional)
9 Chelten Way
Trenton, NJ 08638-5000
StoneyBrae (Traditional)
6357 Myrtle Grove Rd.
Wilmington, NC 28409-4526
1981 (Small Mailbox Tray Accessory)
1982 (Medium Mailbox Tray Accessory)
1983 (Large Mailbox Tray Accessory)
Kay Jay Novelties
PO Box 96
Naselle, WA 98638-3780
FF0100 (Accessory)
Letter Locker
21483 Waalewaale Rd.
Apple Valley, CA 92307-1025
Supreme Letter Locker (Locking)
Standard Letter Locker (Locking)
PO Box 241
Miduale, UT 84047-0241
92107 (Locking)
Mackenzie-Childs LLC
3260 State Rd. 90
Aurora, NY 13026-8704
1000 (Contemporary)
Mackenzie Enterprise LLC
12391 Broy St.
Marcellus, MI 49067-9745
20408 OS (Accessory)
20408 ST (Accessory)
Mail Systems NW
12365 S.W. Tooze Rd.
Sherwood, OR 97140-7205
Belaire 14 (Locking)
Belaire 16 (Locking)
Belaire BR16 (Locking)
Belaire 20 (Locking)
Senator 16 (Locking)
Senator 18 (Locking)
Senator 24 (Locking)
Senator XL (Locking)
Mailbox Solutions
19350 S.W. 118th Ave.
Tualatin, OR 97062-7293
SteelHead (Locking)
Columbia (Locking)
Postal Vault
4620 Royal Ln.
Dallas, TX 75229-4203
PV101 (Locking)
PV201 (Locking)
PV300 (Locking)
PV400 (Locking)
Salsbury Industries
1010 East 62nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598
4850 (Contemporary)
4855 (Contemporary)
4325 (Locking)
4350 (Locking)
4375 (Locking)
4550 (Locking)
Security Manufacturing
815 S. Main St.
Grapevine, TX 76051-5535
Trailmaster (Locking)
Solar Group
107 Fellowship Rd.
PO Box 525
Taylorsville, MS 39168-0525
ST-10 (Traditional)
ST-15 (Traditional)
E-16 (Traditional)
ST-20 (Traditional)
ST-11 (Traditional)
ES15 Estate (Traditional)
ST-16 (Traditional)
PL-10 (Traditional)
CENTURY 2000 (Contemporary)
CL-1 (Contemporary)
E-11 (Contemporary)
RSK (Locking)
A15 (Contemporary)
Gentry (Contemporary)
PED (Locking)
MB-950BSN Seville (Traditional)
MB-550 Georgian (Traditional)
MB-158 Tuscany (Traditional)
MB-950BRBC Seville (Traditional)
MB-170 Mainstreet (Traditional)
MB-541 Northpointe (Traditional)
MB-970AB Westminster (Traditional)
MB-950WBC Seville (Traditional)
MB-370 Ventura (Traditional)
MB-320 Hamilton (Traditional)
MB-801 Ironsides (Traditional)
MB-384BC Alta Vista (Traditional)
MB-386C Monterey (Traditional)
MB-388B Hillcrest (Traditional)
MB-382T Fremont (Traditional)
MB-386OBR Monterey (Traditional)
MB-380B Sierra (Traditional)
MB-981B Reliant (Locking)
Spring City Electrical Manufacturing Company
PO Box 19
Spring City, PA 19475-0019
Estate (Contemporary)
Step 2
PO Box 2412
Streetsboro, OH 44241-0412
5402 (Contemporary)
5452 (Contemporary)
5317 (Locking)
5605 MailMinder (Accessory)
Veeders Mailbox
10050 Montgomery Rd. #324
Cincinnati, OH 45242-5322
LGVMB-G (Traditional)
LGVMB-SS (Traditional)
SMVMB-B (Traditional)
SMVMB-SS (Traditional)
Whitehall Products
8786 Water St.
Montague, MI 49431-1204
Whitehall (Contemporary)
Capitol (Contemporary)
Y’All Got Mail
3088 Ragsdale Dr.
Milan, TN 38358-3420
Y’All Got Mail (Accessory)
During Mailbox Improvement Week, postmasters and managers or their designees must review all cluster box units (CBUs), neighborhood delivery and collection box units (NDCBUs), and outdoor parcel lockers (OPLs) in their delivery areas to identify any hazards or irregularities, and they must record the results of the review.
Note: NDCBUs are not approved for use in new delivery or as replacement units for existing NDCBUs — even when privately purchased. Postal Service officials must not install Arrow locks in new NDCBUs or initiate delivery to NDCBU units installed as replacements.
Upon completing the reviews, keep a copy in your local office and send consolidated copies to the designated growth coordinator for each district. Use PS Form 8143, Equipment Checklist and Followup Review, in conducting and recording the reviews. PS Form 8143 is available in this Postal Bulletin (see Exhibit G on page 12). PS Form 8143 is also available on the PolicyNet website at http://blue.usps.gov/cpim/; click on Forms. Employees conducting the reviews must complete PS Form 1624, Delivery/Collection Equipment Work Request, for any equipment that poses a safety hazard to postal customers or employees. You can order PS Form 1624 from the MDC using touch-tone order entry (see page 1 for MDC ordering instructions), or download it from the PolicyNet website at http://blue.usps.gov/cpim/. Ordering information for PS Form 1624 is as follows:
PSIN: PS1624
PSN: 7530-01-000-9392
Unit of Issue: SE
Quick Pick Number: N/A
Bulk Pack Quantity: 10,000
Minimum Order: 100
Price: $0.0302
Employees must use the CBU and parcel locker equipment checklist and followup review procedure when examining the condition of CBUs, NDCBUs, and OPLs. You must:
1. List the 5-digit, USPS-marked postal ID number of the unit. This is usually visible on the front or side of the body or pedestal. If a postal ID number is not available, list the unit location, equipment type, and manufacturer in the left-hand column. If you are able to access the back of the unit, list the unit’s vendor-supplied serial number. You must distinguish the type listed as an NDCBU or CBU.
2. Assign each checklist item one of the following ratings:
a. OK — Equipment does not need attention for this item.
b. X — Equipment needs attention for this item.
c. NA — Item does not apply to this particular piece of equipment.
3. When examining the equipment, use the instructions below to complete PS Form 8143:
a. Check equipment. All delivery and collection equipment should be straight, vertical, and firmly mounted. For safety concerns, please ensure that customer compartments are facing away from the street (refer to the safety note below) or are oriented such that safe collection and delivery of the mail may occur. Visually verify that four bolts/nuts are firmly in place securing the pedestal to the concrete pad and to the delivery equipment. Apply hand pressure to the top edge of the unit from the front side. While the unit may flex under the load, verify that the pedestal stays firmly mounted to the concrete and that the unit does not separate from the pedestal.
Note: For safety concerns, ensure that customer compartments are located such that customers do not have to stand in the street to access their mail or that letter carriers do not have to stand in the street to deliver mail. Consider all factors of equipment location including setbacks from streets that may allow customer compartments to face the road, but be of such a distance so as not to affect the safe delivery and collection of mail.
b. Check visible welds. Make note of cracked, broken, or rusted welds. For NDCBUs and OPLs only, tap the pedestal with a lightweight hammer, especially along the seams, to check for corrosion from the inside out or perforated corrosion.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: [Insert Your Name]
[Insert Date] [Insert Your Phone Number]
Internet: www.usps.com
Mailbox Improvement Week Arrives in Time for Spring Cleaning
The U.S. Postal Service® is asking all [city name] homeowners to inspect and repair their mailboxes during Mailbox Improvement Week, May 16–22, says Postmaster [full name].
“Repairing suburban and rural mailboxes improves the appearance of our community and makes delivering and receiving mail safer for our carriers and customers,” [last name] says.
The Postal Service™ makes this annual request because of the wear and tear that occurs to mailboxes every year. “This is especially important after the effects of last winter,” [he/she] adds [if applicable].
Some of the typical activities that may need to be done include:
n Replacing loose hinges on a mailbox door.
n Repainting a mailbox that may have rusted or started peeling.
n Remounting a mailbox post if loosened.
n Replacing or adding house numbers.
“If a homeowner plans to install a new mailbox or replace a worn one, he or she must use only Postal Service–approved traditional, contemporary or locking full/limited service mailboxes,” said [last name]. “Customers should be careful when purchasing curbside mail receptacles because the use of unapproved boxes is prohibited. Customers may use a custom-built mailbox, but they must consult with my office to ensure it conforms to guidelines applying to flag, size, strength, and quality of construction.”
For more information on the use of names or numbers on mailboxes, or answers to any other questions, contact Postmaster [full name] at [phone number] or call your local postmaster at [phone number].
# # #
Exhibit G

c. For CBUs and NDCBUs, observe whether the carrier access door is locked and secure. Open it and observe whether it is bowed or warped and whether the door and locking bar operate smoothly. With the carrier access door open, check whether restraining devices prevent the door from blowing closed. These devices, which may have to be set manually, should be serviceable.
d. Ensure that the Arrow lock operates smoothly and easily and that the mounting hardware is tight. For NDCBUs, CBU parcel doors, and OPLs, the protective cover that shields the Arrow lock from customer tampering must be serviceable and firmly attached.
e. For OPLs, secure the cover that protects the Arrow lock from theft with the proper quantity of tamper-resistant screws.
f. Ensure that all customer access doors are present, closed, and locked with no visible damage or signs of forced entry. Check that customer door numbers are legible.
g. Ensure that the exterior surface of the unit is free from rust and graffiti.
h. Examine the unit. Check it for defects or damage and whether it reflects a proper Postal Service image.
i. Check whether the unit and any protecting structure appears watertight and in good repair. Check whether there are any noticeable watermarks inside the unit or any wet mail.
j. Note any other conditions that require attention. Also, look for signs of vandalism such as pry marks on doors and locks.
4. Record the results of the inspection on the checklist.
5. Submit the completed PS Form 1624 for each unit reviewed to the maintenance office responsible for centralized delivery equipment installation or repair in the area.
Carriers must note equipment deficiencies and report them to the postmaster, supervisor, or designee. The postmaster or designee must then submit PS Form 1624 reporting the equipment defects. In addition, carriers should complete PS Form 1767, Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition, or Practice, for items that pose an immediate threat to safety, such as an improperly secured or leaning NDCBU/CBU. You can order PS Form 1767 from the MDC using touch-tone ordering procedures (see page 1). Ordering information for PS Form 1767 is as follows:
PSIN: PS1767
PSN: 7530-01-000-9422
Unit of Issue: SE
Quick Pick Number: 141
Bulk Pack Quantity: 1000
Minimum Order: 25
Price: $0.0615
The postmaster or supervisor must immediately notify by telephone the office responsible for repair of reported hazards. The postmaster or supervisor must follow up to ensure that the work is satisfactorily completed and documented. The office responsible for repair should use its local buying authority to accomplish the repairs.
In January of 1999, the Postal Service announced that NDCBUs cannot be installed for delivery of mail beginning in FY 2000. As previously stated, there are no waivers granted for this policy. Place all orders for CBUs and OPLs against the national contracts listed below. Use eBuy2 to place all orders.
Graffiti on mailboxes? There is a new special soy-based cleaner available through eBuy or the MDC identified as “Cleaner, Grafitti Remover, Collection Box” PSN: 7930-13-000-4764. Cost $17.41 per 22 oz. bottle.
This product has proven successful in removing graffiti collection boxes. While most effective on the most current collection boxes treated as graffiti-resistant, this cleaner may still prove effective with legacy equipment that has a good quality paint coating. For older collection boxes, test the product in an inconspicuous spot on the collection box to ensure it does not damage the current paint coating.
For eBuy2 ordering instructions, go to the Postal Service Intranet at http://blue.usps.gov; and in the left-hand column, click eBuy/eBuy2. You may also call 800-USPS-HELP for additional help.
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Unit is powder-coated aluminum.
Contract #1CDSEQ-11-B-1004 — Place orders through eBuy2.
Note: You must use eBuy2 to purchase supplies from this contract supplier.
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Decorative CBU Accessories
Vogue-Vogue C1 Crown Molding Cap
Vogue-Vogue P114 Short Pedestal Cover
Vogue-Vogue P128 Tall Pedestal Cover
Regency — 1201, Tall Pedestal Cover
Regency — 1202, Short Pedestal Cover
Regency — 1200, Top Cover
Regency — Flame & Ball, Top Cover Finials
Note: CBU accessories are optional equipment that is intended to enhance the aesthetic appearance of commercially purchased units.
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 785-323-4470
800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Unit is powder-coated aluminum and stainless steel.
Contract #1CDSEQ-11-B-1004 — Place orders through eBuy2.
1) You must use eBuy2 to purchase supplies from this contract supplier.
2) Unit is anodized, painted aluminum. Pedestal is anodized, painted stainless steel.
Contract No. 1CDSEQ-05-B-3001, available on eBuy2.
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Contract #1CDSEQ-11-B-1004 — Place orders through eBuy2.
Note: You must use eBuy2 to purchase supplies from this contract supplier.
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
NDCBU Universal Pedestal is anodized aluminimum — does not fit Superior units
Replacement Pedestal — OPL
Replacement Pedestal — American Locker CBU
Replacement Pedestal — American Locker OPL
Contract #1CDSEQ-05-B-3001 — Place orders through eBuy2.
Note: You must use eBuy2 to purchase supplies from this contractor.
USPS-STD-4C was fully implemented on October 6, 2006. All new multi-unit constructions with building permits submitted before October 6, 2006, retain the option of using apartment-style receptacles built to the specifications of USPS-STD-4B+.
All multi-unit construction with building plans submitted on October 6, 2006, or later are required to use wall-mounted mail receptacles built and approved to the specifications of USPS-STD-4C.
The receptacles offer:
n Improved compartment security.
n Customer-friendly compartment designs, which allow mail to be placed flat into the compartment.
n Increased ease of use for carriers
n Larger customer compartment capacity for small parcels and rolls (SPRs), small parcels, and large volumes of mail.
n One parcel locker for every 10 customer compartment ratios for installations with 10 customer compartments or more.
n Secure outgoing mail compartments.
The use of USPS-STD-4C boxes is primarily intended for new construction and not as a means of retrofitting existing complexes. However, buildings undergoing significant renovations or rehabilitations may be required to convert to wall-mounted receptacles that are USPS-STD-4C compliant. If these renovations include significant structural changes and present an opportunity for more complete makeovers, the builders should include 4C receptacles. Buildings that are simply remodeling or changing the outward/surface appearance of the lobby are not considered examples of renovations that would trigger the use of 4C receptacles.
If you have additional questions, contact your area or district growth coordinators for further information, or send an e-mail to www.wallmountedreceptacles@usps.gov.
16 Technology Dr., Ste. 172
Irvine, CA 92618-2328
Telephone: 800-650-2606
Fax: 949-502-3772
Front Loader Designs
1 & 2 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 20
(1 High) Customer Boxes
Bommer Industries, Inc.
PO Box +187
Landrum, SC 29356-0187
Telephone: 800-334-1654
Fax: 864-457-5370
Front Loader Designs
1 & 2 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 20 (1 High) Customer Boxes
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Front Loader Designs
Rear Loader Designs
1, 2, 3, & 4 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 20 (1 High) Customer Boxes
Jensen Mailboxes
105 Steel Craft Dr.
Hartford, WI 53027-1631
Telephone: 877-597-5671
Fax: 800-991-6121
Front Loader Designs
1 & 2 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 17 (1 High) Customer Boxes
Postal Products Unlimited
500 West Oklahoma Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207-2649
Telephone: 800-229-4500
Front Loader Designs
1 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 20 (1 High) Customer Boxes
Salsbury Industries
1010 E. 62nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598
Telephone: 800-624-5269
Fax: 800-624-5299
Front Loader Designs
Rear Loader Designs
1, 2, 3, & 4 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 20 (1 High) Customer Boxes
Security Manufacturing Corp.
815 South Main St.
Grapevine, TX 76051-5535
Telephone: 800-762-6937
Fax: 817-481-3993
Front Loader Designs
1 High Customer Compartments
Largest Approved Double-Column Unit has 20 (1 High) Customer Boxes
Note: The Postal Service has revised USPS-STD-4B. The new standard is USPS-STD-4C.
For replacement of existing equipment, security enhanced versions of both horizontal and vertical boxes are now available. They are referred to as “USPS-STD-4B+” boxes and are designed to fit cleanly into buildings with old USPS-STD-4B boxes.
USPS-STD-4B+ boxes are approved for Postal Service mail delivery for existing indoor installations or existing protected outdoor locations. However, the Postal Service does not approve the purchase of this equipment for new installations and will not install Arrow locks in any such equipment. You may only order replacement parts for Postal Service–owned equipment that was installed in the past.
American Device Manufacturing
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Horizontal units only
American Eagle Mailboxes
3017 Wheelock St.
Dallas, TX 75220-2944
Telephone: 800-488-4810
Fax: 214-358-2261
Horizontal units only
Bommer Industries, Inc.
PO Box 187
Landrum, SC 29356-0187
Telephone: 800-334-1654
Fax: 864-457-5370
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Jensen Mailboxes
105 Steel Craft Dr.
Hartford, WI 53027-1631
Telephone: 877-597-5671
Fax: 800-991-6121
Horizontal units only
Salsbury Industries
1010 E. 62nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598
Telephone: 800-624-5269
Fax: 800-624-5299
Security Manufacturing Corp.
815 S. Main St.
Grapevine, TX 76051-5535
Telephone: 800-762-6937
Fax: 817-481-3993
PSIN O910A & B, O910HS (per USPS-L-1172D), O913A through K cams, O306P1 (per USPS-L-1294B), 0306A1 and A2, 0306B and D, 0308 (per USPS-K-852H)
CompX Security Products*
200 Old Mill Rd.
PO Box 200
Mauldin, SC 29662-0200
*Formerly National Cabinet Lock
Contact: Larry Springate
Telephone: 864-286-1696
Fax: 864-286-1698
Contract No. 1CDSEQ-11-B-1005
1) In accordance with Helping Hand Issue #23, return all nonfunctioning Post Office box locks (PSIN O306B, O306D,O308, O306A1 and O306A2) and excess keys, and Rev. E CBU Parcel Locker Locks (PSIN O306P, see MMO-123-06 and Postal Bulletin 22204 (4-12-07, pages 93–94), reorder using PSIN O306P1), to CompX at the address shown below. This should now include Armor Safe Corporation (ASC) and Royal (RL) Post Office box locks needing replacement keys, which were previously returned to the Mail Equipment Shop.
Lock Refurb Program
CompX Security Products
PO Box 200
Mauldin, SC 29662-0200
2) The preferred method to order locks is from eBuy2, Suppplier — MDIMSCAT, which is the Topeka Material Distribution Center. Use the following information to order locks:
Material Distribution Center
Attn. Supply Requisitions
500 S.W. Gary Ormsby Dr.
Topeka, KS 66624-9702
e-mail: mdc.customerservice@usps.gov
TTOE: 800-273-1509
Option 1, followed by option 2
USPS licenses two products of USPS-approved delivery and collection equipment for sale to customers other than USPS itself: a) customer compartment locks (O910A and B) used in centralized delivery equipment, and b) the CBU, which, when combined with the O910 lock, surpasses a required security level. Commercial manufacturers who wish to become licensed suppliers of either the O910 lock (USPS-L-1172D) or the CBU (USPS-B-1118G) should contact the following office for application procedures.
Delivery Team Licensing
PO Box 27496
Greensboro, NC 27498-0001
Compx Security Products*
200 Old Mill Rd.
PO Box 200
Mauldin, SC 29662-0200
*Formerly National Cabinet Lock
Telephone: 864-286-1696
Fax: 864-286-1698
License Number: 1CDSEQ-08-B-0011
Florence Manufacturing Company
5935 Corporate Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66503-9675
Telephone: 800-275-1747
Fax: 800-275-5081 (toll-free)
Unit is powder-coated aluminum in a choice of six colors: Sandstone, Black, Bronze, White, Green, and Postal Gray
License Number: 1CDSEQ-08-B-0012
Salsbury Industries
1010 E. 62nd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598
Telephone: 800-624-5269
Fax: 800-624-5299
Unit is powder-coated aluminum in a choice of five colors: Sandstone, Black, Bronze, White, and Green
License Number: 1CDSEQ-08-B-0026
Postal Products Unlimited, Inc.
500 West Oaklahoma Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207-2649
Telephone: 800-229-4500
Fax: 414-290-1575
License Number: 1CDSEQ-10-B-0011
Some states have enacted laws that are more stringent and specific about the type of mailbox that may be used, the post or support that must be used to mount the mailbox, and the location of the delivery equipment. Regulations and recommendations published in this notice might not reflect appropriate requirements for your area. When providing guidance to the general public concerning mailbox placement and replacement, advise them not only of Postal Service regulations but also of any mailbox regulations that you know have been enacted by state or local authorities. Further information is available from the following:
American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials
444 N. Capitol St. N.W., Ste. 249
Washington, DC 20001-1512
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Highway Safety HHS-10
400 7th St. S.W.
Washington, DC 20590-0003
Postmasters must give these guidelines and suggestions maximum local publicity. Consult your area Public Affairs and Communications representative for further guidance and assistance in publicizing Mailbox Improvement Week. The news release on page 11 is provided for postmasters to distribute to daily or weekly newspapers or broadcast stations in their delivery area to promote Mailbox Improvement Week. Retype the press release, double-spaced, on Postal Service letterhead. You may also find it helpful to alert the media to locations of particularly interesting mailboxes in your delivery area.
Motorized city, rural, and highway contract box delivery route carriers must cooperate to ensure the success of this endeavor, and later report the results to the postmaster. In addition, postmasters should use the most up-to-date list of manufacturers and mailbox suppliers when providing motorized city, rural, and highway contract box delivery route customers with information about the type of box to install.
— City Delivery,
Delivery and Post Office Operations, 5-5-11