Effective immediately, the Postal Operations Manual (POM) is revised to update information on special philatelic postmarks. Specifically, the procedures for seasonal postmarks have been updated. Also, the term “philatelic center postmark” is being replaced with “Postmark America service.”
Postal Operations Manual (POM)
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2 Philately
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23 Philatelic Postmarks
231 General
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231.5 Permissible Postmarking Devices and Hand-Stamped Postmarking for Collectors
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Exhibit 231.5 Hand-Stamped Postmarks
[Revise Exhibit 231.5 by replacing item g as follows:]

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236 Other Special Philatelic Postmarks
236.1 Seasonal Postmarks
[Revise text of 236.1 to read as follows:]
Seasonal postmarks are temporary, pictorial rubber hand stamps available during the holiday season and during other special occasions throughout the year. Postmarking service is usually available at retail windows for hand-back, mail-back, or re-mailing back into the mailstream. Postmarks can be a fixed date or rotating dates during the holiday season. Back-dating is prohibited for rotating-date postmarks. Customers wanting a specific date must have their items presented on or before the date of service. Seasonal postmarks can also be used at temporary retail stations during the holiday season.
[Revise title and text of 236.2 to read as follows:]
236.2 Postmark America Service
Postmark America service is a permanent, rubber hand stamp with rotating date plugs that is permitted for participating Post Offices to feature a symbolic image representing a town or region. Postmarking service is available only at windows when it does not interfere with normal retail operations. Postmasters can offer hand-back, will-call, or mail-back service. Postmark America service can be used for mail entering the mailstream or philatelic purposes.
Postmark America service affords tourists, customers, and collectors an opportunity to use and collect postmarks at any time. It also affords postmasters a way to generate revenue without having to staff or wait for events. Postmark America service is date sensitive, and back-dating is prohibited. Customers or collectors wanting a specific date must have their items presented at the Post Office on or before the date of service.
236.21 Postmark Design
Postmasters and station and branch managers are responsible for purchasing both the artwork and hand-stamp devices for their local postmark. They should work with local artists/designers to develop a design that fits within the following guidelines:
a. The rubber composition hand-stamp postmark should feature a graphic design.
b. The overall size of the device cannot exceed 2" in height by 4" in width.
c. The postmark should consist of a changeable round-dater with month, day, and year insert plugs, and should include the city, state, and ZIP Code.
d. Postmarks with proprietary designs need written permission from property owners for the use of the design.
236.22 Approval Process
Postmasters desiring to participate in the Postmark America service must submit the finalized postmark art to their district manager/designee for approval. After the district manager’s approval, the postmaster/district office forwards the postmark artwork to Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) for final approval and sign-off. Submit the proposed artwork to:
Postmarking Services
Attn: Postmark America Service
PO Box 449992
Kansas City, MO 64144-9998
Fax: 816-545-1206
e-mail: PictorialPostmarks@usps.gov
Attn: Postmark America Service
For more information, call 816-545-1349
236.23 Ordering Rubber Hand Stamps
Postmasters participating in the Postmark America service can order their off-catalog postmarking device using PS Form 1567, Requisition for Rubber and Steel Hand Canceling Stamps, or by calling the Topeka Materials Distribution Center at 800-332-0317 (press option 4, then press option 4 again at the next menu to reach a live operator).
Postmasters may also directly order the off-catalog postmark by contacting the Baumgarten Company of Washington, DC, at 301-317-3933 or 888-852-3852. Postmasters must complete an off-catalog eBuy requisition for all items ordered. Postmasters should allow 30 days for the vendor to provide the postmarking device.
236.24 Postmark Servicing Support and Procedures
Postmarking service may be provided when such service does not interfere with other retail sales or mail processing operations and does not inconvenience other customers. Postmasters may, at their discretion, offer collectors hand-back or mail-back service or arrange for a date and time with the collector for drop-off and pick-up service.
Customers must present their items for postmarking on or before the official postmark date. Backdating is prohibited. Prior to submitting materials for postmarking, collectors should contact the Post Office from which they are requesting a postmark to verify that the specific Post Office participates in the Postmark America service. Collectors may request postmarking service in person or by mail on or before the date of the postmark. There is no charge for servicing up to 50 covers. Mail-back service customers must supply a self-addressed envelope with sufficient return postage applied to return the serviced covers. Handling charges cannot apply for Postmark America service when the items presented are for mailing purposes.
Postmasters may apply for postmarking assistance from the manager of Stamp Fulfillment Service if customers are requesting postmarking on large volumes of materials. For information, contact:
Manager, Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 Underground Drive, Pillar 210
Kansas City, MO 64144-9998
Telephone: 816-545-1349
Postmasters desiring to promote the program locally should contact their local Corporate Communications office for assistance.
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We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the POM and also into the online version available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click References.
n Under PolicyNet, click Manuals.
(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue/usps.gov/cpim.)
— Stamp Services,
Government Relations and Public Policy, 6-2-11