Human Resources

Fourth Quarter Voice of the Employee Surveys are Coming Soon

Every quarter, 25% of career Postal Service™ employees are invited to express their opinions about the workplace with the Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey. The VOE survey is a key measure of the engagement of our workforce. Engagement is the extent to which employees believe in what they do, and feel valued for doing it. It’s a positive attitude held by employees toward the organization and its values that influences them to invest and spend discretionary effort to help the organization succeed. High levels of engagement lead to positive organizational outcomes such as customer satisfaction, productivity, safety, and retention.

Employees are most engaged when they have the right tools, information, teamwork, training, and leadership that they need to do their job. Engaged employees know how their work contributes to the success of the Postal Service, and they are enabled and motivated to achieve results. That’s why the VOE survey invites employees to give the Postal Service their opinions on topics such as communication, trust, diversity, respect, and leadership.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and entirely confidential. Responses go directly to an independent party who tabulates the results and reports them back to the Postal Service in summary form. To learn more about VOE, you can access the VOE website from the Human Resources web page at There you can find the most recent survey results, tips for working with your results, articles on employee engagement, and more.

If you are invited to participate in the VOE this quarter, take some time — on-the-clock — to let your voice be heard.