Effective August 7, 2014, the Postal Service™ is revising Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, section 716.14 to align the policies and guidelines for temporary assignments with those contained in Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation:
n 716.142 is revised with minor editorial changes and to state the information that must be included in a request for approval for an extended duty assignment or detail requiring extended travel away from the employee’s permanent duty station.
n 716.143 is revised with minor editorial changes and a new reference to 716.142 when the temporary position or detail also involves travel away from the employee’s permanent duty station, and 716.144 and 743.16 when the higher-level temporary assignment is to a vacant position.
n 716.144 is revised with minor editorial changes.
n 716.45 is revised with minor editorial changes.
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Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement
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7 Assignment, Reassignment, and Promotion
71 Introduction
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716 Positions Filled Temporarily
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716.14 Temporary Assignment to Higher Level — Nonbargaining
716.141 Necessity
[Revise the text of 716.141 to read as follows:]
No one may be temporarily assigned to a higher-level nonbargaining position unless such an assignment is absolutely essential to the effective operations of the Postal Service, and the person selected assumes the full core responsibilities of the higher-level position.
Approval is required (see Exhibit 716.12 and sections 716.143 to 716.145).
716.142 Higher Management Level Approval for Assignments of More Than 30 Calendar Days
[Revise the text of 716.142 to read as follows:]
When a temporary assignment or detail requiring travel and related expenses, or higher-level pay, is expected to last longer than 30 calendar days, the manager of the position must obtain approval from the next higher-level manager (unless a PCES manager originally approved the detail assignment). The request for approval for an extended duty assignment or detail requiring extended travel away from the employee’s permanent duty station must include the following information:
a. Purpose of the assignment or detail;
b. Cost;
c. Benefit(s) expected;
d. Consideration of alternatives; and
e. Value to the Postal Service.
See also Handbook F-15 sections 2-2.1.2 and 4-1.2.1.
716.143 Higher Level Assignments Limited to 90 Calendar Days Unless Extended
[Revise the text of 716.143 to read as follows:]
Temporary assignment to a higher-level position, during the absence of the incumbent, is limited to a maximum period of 90 calendar days. The period may be extended with advance approval of the next higher level of management above the detailed position. Exception: If a PCES manager originally approved the detail assignment, then approval of the extension is not required.
See 716.142 for requirements when the temporary position or detail to a higher-level position also involves travel away from the employee’s permanent duty station. See 716.144 and 743.16 when the higher-level temporary assignment is to a vacant position.
716.144 120–Day Time Limit
[Revise the text of 716.144 to read as follows:]
Temporary assignment to a higher-level vacant position, pending selection of a person for permanent placement, is limited to a total of not more than 120 calendar days. If the employee on temporary assignment could become or is a potential candidate for the vacant position, the higher-grade assignment must be terminated before the 121st day. If the employee is not a candidate, the next higher-level manager over the manager with the vacancy may approve an extension of that employee’s temporary assignment beyond 120 days until a selection is made and the new employee assumes the position. Exception: If a PCES manager originally approved the detail assignment, then approval of the extension is not required. See 743.16, Exceptions to the 120-Day Limit, for exceptions.
716.145 Temporary Assignments Exceeding 1 Year
[Revise the text of 716.145 to read as follows:]
Temporary assignments exceeding 1 year, including those that involve travel and associated expenses, require advance approval in writing from the Area Vice President (for detail to a field position) or the functional officer (for detail to a Headquarters position). There must be a critical need to extend a temporary assignment beyond 1 year. The approving manager will notify the vice president, Controller, of the approval to ensure travel reimbursements are handled as required by law. See Handbook F-15, section 2-2.1.2, for approval requirements, notification requirements, and tax consequences of detail assignments exceeding 1 year.
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We will incorporate these revisions into the next online update of Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, which is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:
n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.
n Under “Essential Links” in the left-hand column, click PolicyNet.
n Click HBKs.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.
— Human Resources (HQ),
Employee Resource Management, 7-24-14