Effective April 3, 2017, the Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), sections 202.3.5 and 604.5.3, in reference to USPS Marketing Mail™ markings.
On December 21, 2016, the Postal Service published a Federal Register final rule (81 FR 93606–93620) to revise the DMM in various sections to rename Standard Mail® as USPS Marketing Mail. The Postal Service and industry continue to collaborate on a timeline to implement the required use of the new postage markings and permit imprint indicia. We will announce the implementation timeline at a later date. Until then, mailers must continue to use the “Standard Mail” markings. The Postal Service will revise DMM sections 202.3.5 and 604.5.3 to provide some examples of the new markings and add information on the pending implementation in each section.
In addition to the above DMM revisions, the Postal Service will also revise Quick Service Guide 604d.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
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200 Commercial Mail Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
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202 Elements on the Face of a Mailpiece
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3.0 Placement and Content of Mail Markings
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3.5 First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail Markings
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[Revise the text of items a2 and a3 to read as follows:]
2. “Marketing” or “MKTG” or “MKT”1
3. “Presorted USPS Marketing” or “PRSRT MKTG” or “PRSRT MKT”1
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[Add a footnote below item a4 to read as follows:]
1Customers should not convert to the USPS Marketing Mail markings until a date is announced.
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600 Basic Standards for all Mailing Services
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604 Postage Payment Methods and Refunds
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5.0 Permit Imprint (Indicia)
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5.3 Indicia Design, Placement, and Content
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5.3. Indicia Formats
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Exhibit 5.3.11 Indicia Formats for Official Mail and Other Classes
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[Revise the heading of Standard Mail Official Mail to read as follows:]
USPS Marketing Mail Official Mail: (Customers should not convert to the USPS Marketing Mail markings until a date is announced.)
[Revise the examples with new USPS Marketing Mail markings:]

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[Revise the heading of Standard Mail to read as follows:]
USPS Marketing Mail: (Customers should not convert to the USPS Marketing Mail markings until a date is announced.)
[Revise the examples with new USPS Marketing Mail markings.]

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next online update of the DMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at
— Product Classification, Marketing, 3-16-17