Beginning June 2017, all Post Offices™ that have an Internet Change of Address Card Display will receive an updated graphic to adhere to the existing display for July 1, 2017. We will include application instructions. Once you receive your updated Internet Change of Address Card Display graphic, please follow the enclosed instructions to adhere the graphic to the existing display.
Also, effective July 1, 2017, you must reorder Mover’s Guides, Internet Change of Address Cards, and Internet Change of Address Card Displays through the USPS® eBuy2 site. Having the Topeka Material Distribution Center fulfill all reorders for these materials streamlines the process to one central location.
For questions regarding eBuy2, contact National Materials Customer Service at 800-332-0317, option 4. We will no longer accept reorders through Imagitas.
— Address Management,
Addressing and Geospatial Technology, 6-22-17