Our 2017 mailing promotions provide mailers with new ways to integrate the latest advancements in technology with mail. Designed to encourage mailers to create an integrated media marketing campaign, our mailing promotions offer the following to take the customer’s experience to the next level:
n Digital and mobile technology,
n Tactile and sensory effects,
n Interactive engagement, and
n Personalization.
Using mail as part of an integrated media strategy can increase customer engagement and response rates. Heading into the second half of the year and leading into the holiday mailing season, the Promotions office is pleased to launch the final mailing promotions for 2017.
New print technologies deliver unique, creative materials. That’s why this promotion highlights marketing messages through the use of color, dynamic variable print, and personalization. By encouraging mailers to use color messaging in their bills and statements, we enhance the value of First-Class Mail and improve consumer connection and response.
n Registration period: May 15 – December 31.
n Promotion period: July 1 – December 31.
n Discount: 2 percent per eligible mailpiece.
n Eligible mail: First-Class Mail commercial letters that are part of an IMb Full-Service mailing.
n Mailpiece content restriction: Bills and statements only.
Note: First-time participants can qualify for this promotion with dynamic color print only.
Mobile Shopping builds on previous USPS® mobile technology promotions and demonstrates how direct mail, when combined with mobile technology, becomes a convenient method to engage consumers with interactive printed mailpieces. This promotion connects the value of mail with the digital experience and includes mailers who use mobile print technology to enable customers to download their mobile shopping application.
n Registration period: June 15 – December 31.
n Promotion period: August 1 – December 31.
n Discount: 2 percent per eligible mailpiece.
n Eligible mail:
n USPS Marketing Mail letters and flats.
n Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail letters and flats.
New this year! Informed Delivery® is now one of the eligible technologies that qualifies for the Mobile Shopping promotion.
The U.S. Postal Service® currently has three additional promotions open for registration and mailing:
n The Tactile, Sensory and Interactive Engagement promotion,
n The Direct Mail Starter promotion, and
n The Emerging and Advanced Technology promotion.
Each promotion supports a variety of opportunities for mailer participation. For more information about the 2017 mailing promotion requirements, visit PostalPro at postalpro.usps.com/promotions.
— Mailing Services,
New Products and Innovation, 7-20-17