The United States Postal Service® has improved the process for shipping cremated remains to enhance visibility in the mailstream. Customers shipping cremated remains (human and animal ashes), either Domestic or International, must use only Priority Mail Express® (PME) service. Packages containing cremated remains are limited to four PME shipping options:
n Signature Required,
n Signature Waived,
n Return Receipt, or
n Additional Insurance.
Customers are required to use the new orange Label 139, Cremated Remains, or the new Priority Mail Express Cremated Remains box (BOX-CRE). The label has been updated but existing labels can be used until their supply is depleted.
Customers or sales and service associates are required to affix the label to all four sides of the shipping container, including the top and bottom. If the customer chooses to use their own box, they must follow the same labeling guidelines.
Effective September 30, 2019, PME Cremated Remains shipping materials can be purchased from The Postal Store® at

Dimensions: 3” x 1.857”

Dimensions: 4” x 6”

Contains PME Cremated Remains Box and a roll of PME tape.

n PME Cremated Remains Box;
n A roll of PME tape;
n A self-sealing plastic bag;
n Bubble cushioning; and
n A copy of Publication 139, How to Package and Ship Cremated Remains.
Retail offices will automatically receive rolls of labels to provide to customers. The number of labels supplied will depend on the size of the office. To get more labels, search for “Label 139” when ordering through eBuy2.
If a customer requests more information about shipping cremated remains, refer them to Publication 139, How to Package and Ship Cremated Remains. Publication 139 can be found at USPS® retail locations or online at
When delivering packages containing cremated remains, carriers must follow the prompts on their Mobile Delivery Device screen.
— Shipping Products and Services,
Product Innovation, 9-26-19