eBuy2 is Transitioning to eBuy+

Starting February 29, 2020, eBuy+ will replace the current eBuy2 system. To ensure a seamless transition to the new system, please note the important dates listed here.

February 21, 2020 – eBuy2 Closes for New
On-Catalog Orders

February 21 is the last day that eBuy2 will be available for non-Solution for Enterprise Asset Management (non-SEAM) and Material Distribution Inventory Management System (MDIMS) orders and some emergency supplies (see list of SEAM and MDIMS items below). eBuy2 users must place all on-catalog orders before close-of-business on February 21, 2020.

In addition, Electronic Data Interchange Utility Invoices or manual invoice entry for Utilities or Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) will not be accepted until the new eBuy+ system goes live on February 29. Any on-catalog requisition not fully approved by close-of-business on February 28 will be suspended, and the originator will need to write a new on-catalog requisition when the eBuy+ system goes live.

n SEAM items:

n Money Orders,

n Ready Post®,

n Expedited packaging supplies, or

n Miscellaneous mailing tags and labels.

n Material Distribution Center (MDC) items:

n Tools,

n Supplies,

n Forms,

n Publications,

n Posters and related items, or

n Any items shipped from the Topeka MDC.

n Emergency supplies:

n Water,

n Ice Melt, or

n Building Design Standards Cartridges.

February 21, 2020 – eBuy2 Closes for New Off-catalog Orders

eBuy2 users submitting off-catalog requisitions may use the eBuy2 system until close-of-business on February 21, 2020. While the system will not accept new off-catalog requests, current requisitions requiring approval will be processed until March 20, 2020. Any off-catalog requisition not fully approved by close-of-business on March 20 will be suspended, and the originator will need to write a new off-catalog requisition in the eBuy+ system.

Important: The eBuy2 system will be available until March 31, 2020, for reporting and historical transaction purposes. Please download all necessary data from the system before March 31. eBuy2 data is not available in Enterprise Data Warehouse.

February 29, 2020 – eBuy+ Open for New Orders

The eBuy+ system will launch on February 29. All eBuy+ functionality will be available, including on- and off-catalog items, and Utility and EEO Invoice submission forms.

 March 31, 2020 – eBuy2 System will go Offline

This is the last date that eBuy2 will be available for reporting or historical transactional lookup. As stated previously, please download any data needed before March 31 as this data will not be available in the eBuy+ system.

Emergency Orders

An emergency order would be classified as any order that must be placed during February 21 through February 29. Users must plan ahead and ensure they have appropriate stock/service levels before the February 21 cut-off date.

If an emergency order must be placed, users must contact the buying group for the specific commodity to place the order with the appropriate supplier. To find the buying group for specific commodities, see uspshelp.custhelp.com/app/home_pssc.

For more information about the eBuy2 to eBuy+ transition, visit blue.usps.gov/supplymanagement/eBuyPlus_homepage.htm. Please direct any questions or issues to the eBuy+ Help desk at eBuyPlus@usps.gov.