The Postal Service™ is shifting certain ZIP Codes up one fee group based on new occupancy and growth criteria. These fee group changes were previously announced October 16, 2019, in the Federal Register (see A portion of the January 2020 market-dominant Post Office Box™ (PO Box™) price changes were not implemented, due to technical issues and subsequent further delays due to the Coronavirus pandemic. These PO Box fee group shifts are now being implemented as PO Box operations return to normal.
Out of 23,425 total Market Dominant ZIP Codes, 1,914 ZIP Codes will be affected. PO Box customers will receive increases ranging from 12.0 percent to 41.0 percent, while the affected Caller Service customers will receive increases ranging from 5.7 percent to 8.6 percent.
To see the list of affected PO Box ZIP Codes, visit
— Customer Service Operations,
Delivery and Retail Operations, 7-30-20