Available on catalog, collection of plastic shrink wrap and stretch wrap has become a little easier with the introduction of the RACK’n PAK™ system. The RACK’n PAK stand and insert collection bag ensures efficient consolidation of work area-generated, clear plastic shrink wrap and stretch wrap. Key advantages of this collection system include:
n Promotes work area orderliness and reduces clutter.
n Reduces the time spent handling loose wrap.
n Reduces trash.
n Increases recyclable value.
Simply place the RACK’n PAK at workstations where plastic wrap is being generated. Review potential recycling options with your local maintenance staff. To order supplies, use the following information:
n eBuy+ Supplier Part#:11973732; $249, Single unit and initial supply of vented collection bags.
n eBuy+ Supplier Part#:11975216; $1079, 6-unit set and initial supply of vented collection bags.
n eBuy+ Supplier Part# 11705175; $47.50; 1 case (75 bags/case). Estimate 75 bags to last 2 to 3 months, depending on volume of stretch wrap generated.
For more information about recycling plastic shrink wrap and stretch wrap, and avoiding contaminants, visit blue.usps.gov/sustainability/videos/delivery-retail-unit-clear-plastic-wrap.htm.
To find out which items are recyclable at your office, type your ZIP Code™ into the Delivery/Retail Unit Backhaul Recycling Toolkit at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/recycling-toolkit.htm.