Organization Development

Postal Pulse Survey: How Is the Postal Service Delivering for You?

The annual Postal Pulse® survey is your opportunity to tell us how well the Postal Service™ is delivering for you.

A key goal of the Delivering for America plan is investing in our employees to help them grow and succeed. As Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Human Resources Officer Doug Tulino has said, “You and your colleagues are the heart of Delivering for America.”

The Delivering for America plan focuses on improving the employee experience by:

n Investing in the training, tools, and technology that expand long-term career opportunities and contribute to worker safety and well-being.

n Offering a more stable career path and structure for greater opportunities for advancement.

n Fostering a workplace culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We have taken several steps toward achieving these goals. We restructured the organization last year to focus on our core business, which helped to create a more effective career path for employees. We converted 63,000 noncareer employees into career positions and welcomed more than 185,000 new hires. We’ve also updated our new hire orientation and are striving to standardize the first 90 days to create a more positive employee experience thereby reducing turnover.

More recently, we initiated an internal recruitment effort to help fill our critical front-line supervisor positions. Newly promoted supervisors will benefit from updated training with hands-on experience.

We want to hear from you to find out whether these initiatives are having the intended results:

n How is the Postal Service delivering for you?

n Are you getting the support you need to be successful in your position?

n Do you have opportunities to develop, grow, and do your best work every day?

The survey is open June 14 through July 15, 2022. Employees may take the Postal Pulse survey the following ways:

n Bargaining employees: Work and home mailings, USPS® email (if available).

n Nonbargaining employees: USPS email.

Please take the time to complete the survey. Your feedback is necessary to gauge our success in these initiatives and to identify where we have opportunities for improvement.

If you have questions about the survey, please send an email to