Environmental Management

Spill Reporting for the Release of Hazardous and Regulated Substances into the Environment

The United States Postal Service® must report hazardous and regulated material spills into the environment to a manager or supervisor to initiate reporting and clean-up activities by properly trained responders. Installation heads must maintain and reference any facility-specific spill, emergency response, or contingency-planning documents. Additionally, Postal Service™ policy requires completion of PS Form 8187, Hazardous and Regulated Substance Release Notification, to internally report the release of these materials.

Common reportable materials used at USPS® sites that may prompt additional reporting requirements to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, state, or local regulatory agencies, depending on the quantity released into the environment, are listed in the following tables:



Motor oil

Hydraulic fluid


Transmission fluid


Grease (including cafeteria grease)

Mineral spirits

Diesel fuel

Heating oil

Brake fluid

Used oil

Gear oil



Sulfuric acid

Propylene glycol

Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Friable asbestos


Soaps and detergents


CFC-12 (R-12 refrigerant)

Floor wax

Mineral spirits

De-icing products (e.g., calcium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium magnesium acetate)

Water treatment chemicals

Ethylene glycol (Antifreeze)

Diesel exhaust fluid

Windshield washer fluid

In general, spills must be reported if they reach:

n Stormwater drains and ponds.

n Surface water.

n Dry wells and catch basins.

n Soil.

n Septic systems.

n Groundwater.

n Sanitary sewers.

n Waterways.

As soon as any known release to the environment has occurred, Postal Service employees must immediately contact the site installation head, manager, or supervisor. The site installation head, or their designee, must do the following:

n After taking action to protect human health and safety, refer to facility-specific spill and emergency response documents and follow the prescribed requirements.

n Immediately report spills to your appropriate designated USPS environmental contact and the designated safety specialist for the site (see blue.usps.gov/sustainability/contact.htm).

n Complete and submit PS Form 8187, Hazardous and Regulated Substance Release Notification (see blue.usps.gov/formmgmt/forms/LiveCycle/psform8187_042016_lc.pdf).

n Consult with your designated USPS environmental contact to make the appropriate federal, state, and local environmental agency notifications. The applicable reporting requirements vary depending on location, and the type and quantity of the material released.

For more Information, review the following guidance information or consult your designated environmental contact at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/contact.htm:

n The Environmental Compliance Spills and Reporting web page at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/environmental/spills_and_regulatory_reporting.htm.

n The Standard Operating Procedure for Reporting Releases to the Environment at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/environmental/_pdf/sop-reportingreleases.pdf.