Taking Part in the Precomplaint Process — Counseling

The EEO ADR Specialist explains the EEO complaint process including time frames, your rights and responsibilities in the process, and appeal procedures. The EEO ADR Specialist also works with you to identify and define your claim(s). Your claim(s) is(are) the action(s) that caused you to believe you were discriminated against. In addition, the EEO ADR Specialist explains your option to engage in REDRESS mediation during the precomplaint process. See the next section for more information about REDRESS. The EEO ADR Specialist is a neutral party and is not permitted to act as an advocate for either you or the Postal Service.

The EEO ADR Specialist conducts informal counseling inquiries and does not usually obtain extensive documentation or written testimony. The EEO ADR Specialist generally conducts EEO counseling by telephone, but may conduct it by mail or in person. During counseling inquiries, the EEO ADR Specialist usually communicates separately with you and the other party in the dispute. However, if both parties agree, the EEO ADR Specialist may communicate or meet with you and the other party at the same time.

The EEO ADR Specialist makes necessary inquiries of Postal Service employees and supervisors. He or she also reviews relevant agency regulations and documents, including comparative employee data, to help him or her understand the issues and resolve the matter. The EEO ADR Specialist cannot reveal the identity of the comparative individuals.

The goal of counseling is an agreeable resolution to the issue. In trying to resolve your dispute, the EEO ADR Specialist may discuss settlement alternatives with you and the representative of the Postal Service. Settlement discussions are confidential. A willingness to discuss resolution does not suggest that either party feels that his or her position is wrong or weak.