Transmittal Letter

Directives and Forms Catalog

Publication 223 December 2024

1. Purpose. This catalog lists all national Postal Service directives and forms, as well as government forms and documents used by the Postal Service. This is a complete revision of the September 2024 edition. Revisions appear regularly in the Postal Bulletin under “Directives and Forms Update.” This issue contains all of the revisions published in the Postal Bulletin through January 9, 2025.

2. Directives and Forms Management. The policies and procedures for originating, developing, revising, and managing policy and procedure documents are contained in:

For the clearance of local forms, see ASM 322.13.

3. Questions and Comments. Originating organizations are responsible for notifying the Brand and Policy office when documents are out of date or superseded. If you find obsolete directives or forms listed in this catalog, or would like to make suggestions and comments about this catalog, please contact:

475 L’Enfant Plz sw rm 4646
washington dc 20260-4646

4. Effective Date. This publication is effective December 2024.

Tanya Lyle
Manager, Brand and Policy
Corporate Communications