2-3.6 Letter-size Pieces With Perforated Pockets

Perforated pockets are permanent attachments to letter-sized mailpieces that open to reveal a small printed insert.

Perforated pockets may not conceal or contain matter bearing personal information except as provided in DMM 243.2.2. Perforated pockets may appear on letter-size USPS Marketing Mail pieces and Periodicals. They are not considered sealed against Postal Service inspection. When they are affixed to Periodicals mail, advertising printed on the perforated pocket and any inserted matter is counted as part of the total advertising content of the host publication.

Mailers may use pockets in lieu of labels to bear a permit imprint indicia showing that postage is paid if indicia information does not appear on the perforated panel or on the perforations used to create the perforated panel. The Postal Service permits a maximum of two perforated pockets on an eligible letter-size mailpiece that has the following characteristics:

  1. Is between 8" and 9-1/2" long (inclusive).
  2. Is between 4" and 5-1/2" high (inclusive).
  3. Is prepared with a minimum paper basis weight or equivalent as follow:
    1. Envelopes: 60-pound.
    2. Booklets: 70-pound.
    3. Folded self-mailers: 100-pound.

The following requirements also apply:

  1. Oversized card-type letters paid at letter prices must have a thickness of at least .012".
  2. Perforated pockets may be affixed to the non-addressed side of envelopes with one closed panel address window. Perforated pockets must be placed 1" closer to the trailing edge than the window.
  3. If the mailer uses tabs to seal a folded self-mailer prepared with perforated pockets, the folded self-mailer must be sealed with 1-1/2" nonperforated tabs placed 1" from the top on the leading and trailing edges.