
New Accounts Through NCSC Accounting

The Postal Service sets up all new accounts for billing via NCSC Accounting. This allows the customer to get very detailed invoice information, which they can then use to reconcile their fulfillment shipping notices electronically/programmatically.

The NCSC Accounting billing cycle runs from the 25th of the month to the 24th of the next month.

The NCSC Accounting office creates a PDF and a CSV file of the ACS Invoice each month. The NCSC Accounting office posts invoices to the customer’s EPF account within 6 days following the end of the ACS billing cycle, unless otherwise notified.

A customer billed via NCSC Accounting is responsible for downloading the invoice when posted to the EPF account. The Postal Service sends an email to the customer when the invoices are posted.

Payment must be received within 30 days of the invoice date, and funds must be drawn from a bank within the United States.

Delinquent accounts may cause the interruption of all ACS fulfillments and may result in manual address correction notices.

Note: The National Customer Support Center in Memphis, TN, administers NCSC Accounting as follows:

An NCSC Accounting customer has the option of paying an ACS account balance when it is less than $25 or waiting until the balance is greater than $25. An ACS customer whose balance remains less than $25 receives an annual statement on September 24 of each year.