Mailers that have been authorized to generate forms without a signature or round-date stamp must print the following legend on PS Form 8125-CD: “This 8125-CD was verified and accepted under the Drop Shipment Management System (DSMS). No origin office postal signature or round stamp date is required. Contact the consolidator listed above if there are any questions there are questions.”
The legend printed on PS Form 8125-CP must be as follows: “This Form 8125-CP for (name of Periodicals) was verified under alternate procedures authorized by the manager of Business Mail Acceptance at US Postal Service Headquarters. No postal signature or round stamp is required. Contact the Pricing and Classification Service Center at 212-330-5300 with any questions.”
Starting in 2007, a few mailers were permitted to waive postal signature and round stamp on PS Form 8125 and 8125-C for DDU and DSCF drop shipments. The following legend will appear: “VERIFIED AND ACCEPTED UNDER PROCEDURES AUTHORIZED BY USPS BMA HEADQUARTERS. NO POSTAL SIGNATURE OR ROUND STAMP REQUIRED. CONTACT THE ORIGIN OFFICE LISTED ABOVE IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS.”