Resource Optimization

Staffing Optimization

Managers continue to improve their use of data to better align staffing with the changing workload. In Customer Service operations, various programs and models enabled scheduling improvements that provide consistent quality and customer service. Use of these tools increased Customer Service operations efficiencies by 3.76 percent and reduced the use of overtime by 35.4 percent.

In Delivery operations, various tools contributed to a 6.7 percent increase in deliveries per hour and a 20.4 percent reduction in overtime. Declining workload was absorbed by pivoting open routes and managing workhour variances. As operations scaled down, fixed support costs like vehicles were also reduced.

Plant management uses multiple models to adjust staffing and schedules to workload fluctuations in plants. Use of these tools contributed to a 14.6 percent reduction in mail processing workhours and a 42.6 percent decline in overtime hours.