In FY12, the Postal Service participated in 30 industry, congressional, or federally sponsored supplier outreach events. At these events, the Postal Service provided suppliers with guidance on how to do business with the Postal Service and whom to contact for answers to commodity-specific contracting questions. Suppliers were also aided in registering as a new supplier using the Supplier Registration tool. Knowledgeable SM professionals conducted one-on-one capability briefings with interested suppliers and provided supplier information to SM category teams.
As a result of these events and open communications, the Postal Service received noteworthy recognition in FY12:
In addition, the Postal Service is an active member and participates on a number of supplier diversity councils including: National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development; U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Women Business Enterprise Council; U.S. Women Chamber of Commerce; Office of Small Disadvantage Business Utilization; National Minority Supplier Development, MD, DC, and VA; Minority Supplier Development Councils; U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce; and League of United Latin American Citizens.