If it has been preliminarily recommended that the purchase should be made noncompetitively, then the requesting organization must submit a Noncompetitive Purchase Request (NPR) to the contracting officer. The NPR must include the business scenario and rationale for the noncompetitive purchase. While the extent and detail of the request will depend on the particular purchase, the purchase complexity, and the purchase’s potential dollar value, all elements of the NPR must be addressed fully and completely. If the requesting organization determines that an element is irrelevant or cannot be addressed fully and completely, a statement explaining the circumstances must be provided. In addition, the NPR must be signed and dated by the originator/preparer and his/her management chain. If the estimated cost of the request exceeds $250,000, then it must also be signed and dated by the responsible Vice President. The signers of the request must also certify to the conflicts of interest and nondisclosure statements which are included in the NPR. To view the NPR format, see MI SP-S2-2010-1, Noncompetitive Purchases.
The NPR is sent by the requesting organization to the contracting officer for evaluation and recommendation. If the purchase is valued at $1 million or more, the contracting officer must forward a copy to the Competition Advocate (CA) at competitionadvocate@usps.gov and provide the CA with a timeline for the contract as well as any other pertinent information if practical. See below sections for more information about the CA role.