We continue to refine and grow our initiatives to best serve the overall needs of the Postal Service. To that end, the FY2016 DRIVE Portfolio Initiatives table demonstrates our changes to the portfolio year over year.
The changes to our initiatives can be categorized by the following six actions (see following table):
1) New — Initiative has been created in FY2015 to address an emerging business need.
2) Continued — Initiative continued into FY2015 with minimal changes from FY2014.
3) Closed — Initiative was closed as a result of a completed activity or change in business need.
4) Refined — Initiative was refined to reflect the current business situation and to achieve greater alignment with organizational goals.
5) Combined — Initiative was combined with a similar DRIVE initiative(s) to more accurately reflect the current business situation and provide greater alignment organizationally.
6) Split — This initiative had been divided into smaller more discreet initiatives to provide better focus on critical programs.
FY2016 DRIVE Portfolio Initiatives
Corporate Goal
Change Year Over Year
Deliver High-Quality Service
Optimize the Value of Infrastructure
Optimize Network Operations
Optimize Network Platform
Optimize Delivery Operations
Optimize Delivery Platform
Transform Access
Optimize Retail Platform
Optimize Facility Footprint
Build a World-Class Package Platform
Modernize Delivery
Provide Excellent Customer Experiences
Improve Customer Experience
Build a World-Class Customer Care Process
Create a World-Class Social Media Platform
Leverage Technology to Drive Business Value
Leverage Technology and Data to Drive Business Value
Sustain Controllable Income
Grow Revenue from Innovation, Core Products and Markets
Accelerate Innovation
Accelerate Innovation to Maximize Revenue and Profit
Customer Growth and Retention
International Competitiveness
Informed Delivery
Strengthen Financial and Risk Management Capabilities
Obtain PCI Compliance
Achieve 100% Customer and Revenue
Optimize Customer and Revenue Visibility
Enhance Enterprise Risk Management Capabilities
Revenue Assurance
Greenfield Costing
Advance the Legislative and Regulatory Agenda
Obtain PRC Approval for an Alternative Pricing Model
Ensure a Safe Workplace and Engaged Workforce
Engage and Empower Employees
Contract Implementation and Compliance
Corporate Succession Planning
Build Competitive Workforce of the Future
Building the Workforce of the Future
Improve Safety Programs
Building an Integrated Human Resource System