P.S. Docket No. 3/111

April 07, 1976 

In the Mattr of the Petition by                                  )
MARVIN LEVIN, Publisher                                      )
SOUTHERN BEVERAGE JOURNAL                        )
P. O. Box 561107                                                   )
Miami, Florida 33156                                               )
Proposed Revocation of Second-Class                 )
Mail Privileges for "EXECUTIVE                              )
BEVERAGE JOURNAL"                                          )    P.S. Docket No. 3/111

Lussier, Edward F.


The Initial Decision in the above-captioned proceeding, not having been appealed within the time allowed therefor, is now the final agency decision of the Postal Service as provided by Section 954.19(b) of the Rules of Practice (39 C.F.R. 954.19(b)).