Investment recovery is the identification, reuse, sale, or disposal of surplus and/or idle assets. Investment recovery can generate significant revenue and create cost savings, allowing the Postal Service to reduce waste and increase revenue. The finalized investment recovery plan proactively outlines final actions, identified surplus, and idle assets and, based on the product, what will be done with said assets. It is a dynamic document that is revised and updated throughout the project life cycle. The Develop Preliminary Investment Recovery Plan topic is addressed during the Perform Solicitation–Related Activities task of Postal Service Supplying Practices Process Step 2: Evaluate Sources. (See chapter 5 of the Administrative Support Manual for information regarding surplus real property).
The client is responsible for developing the finalized investment recovery plan, which illustrates how the surplus and idle assets are to be addressed. While investment recovery activities are not conducted until the Perform and Manage Investment Recovery Activities task of USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 6: End of Life, it is important to develop a finalized investment recovery plan during USPS Supplying Practices Process Step 3: Select Suppliers, since recovery must be addressed in conjunction with contract management activities.
The finalized investment recovery plan should address: