Effective March 1, 2007, we are revising Publication 51, International Postal Rates and Fees, to reflect that the U.S. Department of the Treasury has applied sanctions to several countries.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in the U.S. Department of the Treasury administers sanctions programs involving the following countries:
OFAC provides general provisions governing U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctions and comprehensive information about goods and services that may not be imported to or exported from the countries listed above.
Prior to mailing to these countries, customers need to contact OFAC by mail, Internet, or telephone, as follows:
WASHINGTON DC 20220-0002
e-mail: www.treas.gov/ofac
Telephone: 800-622-2520
Publication 51, International Postal Rates and Fees
* * * * *
Country Listing
[The following revision applies to the entries for Belarus; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Burma (Myanmar); Congo, Democratic Republic of the; Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast); Croatia; Cuba; Iran; Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea); Liberia; Macedonia (Republic of); Serbia-Montenegro (Yugoslavia); Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic (Syria); and Zimbabwe.]
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[In the “Country” column, add a double-crossed line (‡) after the country name, to read as follows:]
[Beneath the Country Listing table, switch the order of the first and second footnotes and add a new footnote, so that the first three footnotes (preceding the numbered footnotes) read as follows:]
* An asterisk next to the rate group indicates that GPM is available.
< A “less than” sign (<) next to the country name indicates that mailing restrictions currently apply. Consult your local Post Office for details.
‡ A double-crossed line (‡) next to the country name indicates that the U.S. Department of the Treasury has applied sanctions. Prior to mailing, contact the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in the U.S. Department of the Treasury by mail, Internet, or telephone, as follows: OFAC, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Annex 2, Washington, DC 20220-0002; www.treas.gov/ofac; 800-622-2520.
* * * * *
We will incorporate these revisions into the printed version of IMM 34 and into the next printed version of Publication 51 and also into the online versions of the IMM and Publication 51, both of which can be accessed via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
— Mailing Standards,
Pricing and Classification, 3-1-07