DMM Clarification: New Rates and Preparation Standards for Periodicals Mail

We are revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), to implement the pricing changes and related mailing stan­dards revisions for all classes of mail. The new rates for all classes of mail, except for Periodicals mail, are effective May 14, 2007. For Periodicals mail, the new rates and all new preparation requirements are effective July 15, 2007. This delayed implementation for Periodicals mail includes the new scheme sorting and full-tray requirements, and the new 100-pound pallet minimum for certain destination-entered pallets.

For more information about the pricing change, please refer to the April 6, 2007, special Postal Bulletin or to We will publish more information about the Periodicals pricing change, including all of the new rates and mailing standards, in an upcoming Postal Bulletin.