Postal Bulletin 22218 >
2007 Product and Pricing Holiday Mailing Kit > 2007 Pricing Change Resources forPostal Employees
Below is a list of the pricing change templates and tools to assist in applying the pricing changes.
Quick Pick #
Notice 3-A, Letter-Size Mail Dimensional Standards Template
(see page 33)
Shipment to POS offices completed May 28, 2007.
Help determine general mailability and machinability of postcards and letters (check aspect ratio).
Notice 3-P, Parcel Surcharge Guide Template
Shipped to all manual/IRT offices in June 2007.
Determine nonmachinable surcharge for Parcel Post.
Notice 3-S, First-Class Mail Shape-Based Pricing Template
(see page 34)
Shipped to all POS offices, IRT offices, manual offices, CPUs, and Approved Shippers in August 2007.
Measure the size and thickness of First-Class Mail. Post Offices should order additional quantities to have on hand for customers.
0215 Smart Mat (Permanent)
Shipped to all POS offices in June 2007.
Use with a ruler to help determine if a Priority Mail package may be subject to dimensional-weight pricing.
Smart Mat (paper)
Not available at MDC
Shipped to all manual offices in late July 2007.
Use with a ruler to help determine if a Priority Mail package may be subject to dimensional-weight pricing.
Postal Explorer®
CD-ROM (V. 21)
Updated with May 14 and July 15, 2007, changes. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY

Not available at MDC
Shipment began to all manual offices week of September 10, 2007.
Contains DMM, IMM, rate calculator, postage statements, DMM 100, DMM 200, etc. For manual offices to install on their PCs. The CD-ROM is able to compute Priority Mail dimensional-weight and balloon-rate prices. The CD-ROM may be installed on multiple PCs. For internal use only (do not provide to customers.)
Notice 3-A, Letter-Size Mail Dimensional Standards Template

Notice 3-S, First-Class Mail Shape-Based Pricing Template

The items on pages 32–33 (except where noted) may be ordered from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) by using touch-tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-273-1509. Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.)
Below are some other resources available for Postal Service employees: