Off to a safe start

The latest national figures show USPS dropped its over­all Injuries and Illnesses (I&I) by 15.1 percent compared to the same period last year (SPLY). That’s 2,166 fewer accidents.

The I&I report also indicates positive safety trends. Han­dling and lifting accidents decreased 14.7 percent, dog bites fell 6.9 percent, I&I frequency rate went down by 12.9 percent, musculoskeletal injuries plunged 30.7 and those injuries at ergonomic risk reduction process sites dropped 19 percent to SPLY.

In January’s I&I report, slips, trips and falls, both on and off premises, grew nationwide. Not this time. Slips, trips and falls on premises decreased 2.9 percent while off pre­mises they lessened by 5.6 percent.

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