Most trusted agency

Hand with index finger extentedThe premier privacy trust study in America has named the Postal Service the “Most Trusted Government Agency” for the fourth year in a row.

More than 86 percent of the 9,000 Americans surveyed by the Ponemon Institute ranked the Postal Service first among 74 agencies as the one best able to keep their information safe and secure.

“We have a 230-year tradition of trust,” said Delores Killette, vice president and consumer advocate. “Americans depend on the security of the mail, and they trust the Postal Service to protect their privacy.”

Killette attributed the No. 1 ranking in part to the rela­tionship Americans have with their letter carriers. Carriers are a welcome and trusted member of the local community, she said.

“Because of this, the Postal Service truly is not a face­less agency,” Killette said. “Consumer confidence in the mail is a top priority for the Postal Service and the Postal Inspection Service.”