Greener writing skills

The "Environmalist" printed, part of the USPS campaign to encourage environmentally responible uses of direct mail.Now more than ever, consumers want compa­nies to demonstrate their environmental aware­ness. In response, busi­nesses that want to be environmentally respon­sible are seeking ways to make their marketing communications materi­als greener.

So who better than USPS to present busi­ness and marketing professionals with ideas for direct mail cam­paigns that are smarter, more effective and designed to reduce their impact on the environment?

USPS has launched a campaign that defines what it means to be environmentally responsible with the mail, creating along the way a new term in the green movement that the Postal Service can call its own — “Environmailist.”

This new campaign includes a print ad and a direct mail­piece containing a Green Mail Kit. Responders will receive our Environmailism Handbook, an extensive guide on implementing greener mail practices, and a 100 percent organic cotton Environmailist T-shirt.

And the results so far? Three weeks into the campaign, the Postal Service had received more than 18,000 responses.