Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


DMM Revision: Extended Enrollment Period for the Standard Mail Saturation Mail Volume Incentive Program

Effective July 1, 2009, the Postal Service™ is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 243.1.7 and 343.1.6, to extend the enrollment period for participation in the Satu­ration Mail Volume Incentive Program to August 1, 2009. This program is designed to provide price incentives for mailers to increase the volume of saturation Standard Mail® letters or flats during the established program period. The program begins May 11, 2009, and ends May 10, 2010.

Initially, the Saturation Mail Volume Incentive Program, announced in Postal Bulletin 22257 (4-23-09, pages 53–54), required mailers interested in participating to apply before June 11, 2009. This change will provide additional time to allow qualified saturation mailers, who may not have been previously aware of the program, to submit an application. Applications may now be submitted no later than August 1, 2009.

Mailers wishing to participate in the Saturation Mail Volume Incentive Program for Standard Mail items must submit a letter requesting participation to their district man­ager, Business Mail Entry (Go to http://pe.usps.com; click Postal Links, then, under “Postal Locator”, click Business Mail Entry). Requests must be completed and submitted by an authorized official of the business or nonprofit entity that owns the mail. For the purposes of participation in this pro­gram, an entity is defined as the parent organization. Franchises that are not separate business entities may not apply for the incentive independently of the parent organi­zation. Printers and mailing agents may not request participation on behalf of customers for which they prepare the mail. Participating mailers must be able to demonstrate saturation mailing activity in both the 2007 and 2008 calen­dar years, with a minimum of six saturation mailings in the 2008 calendar year.

Mailers interested in participating in this program may obtain additional information from their district manager, Business Mail Entry and the USPS Rapid Information Bulletin Board (RIBBS™) website at http://ribbs.usps.gov; click Site Index AZ, then click Saturation Mail Incentive Program.

We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed version of the DMM and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.