Effective September 27, 2018, Publication 223, Directives and Forms Catalog, is revised to include current information for the items noted in this article. See Chapter 1 of Publication 223 for information on how to order directives and forms.
Publication 223 is available online at about.usps.com/publications/pub223.pdf.
n LAB 128, Heat Illness Sticker.
n MI AS-800-2018-3, Administrative Policies for Use and Management of Geographic Information Systems Technology.
n MI PO-531-2018-1, Administration of Contract Delivery Service Routes.
n MOP CSO-06-01-2018, Postal Service — Required Environmental Policies (Supplement).
n MOP FI-04-24-2018, Policy Memo — Statistical Programs Letter #5, Fiscal Year 2018: SIRVI.
n MOP SM-05-25-2018, Electronic Equipment Disposal Process.
n PS 1280, Heat Illness Laminate Card.
n HBK AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management.
n HBK AS-709, Purchase Card Local Buying Policies and Procedures.
n HBK EL-801, Supervisor’s Safety Handbook.
n HBK EL-908, Agreement Between the USPS and APWU, AFL-CIO, Covering Information Technology/Accounting Services, 2017–2019.
n HBK F-45, In-Office Cost System (IOCS).
n MAN ASM, Administrative Support Manual.
n MAN ELM, Employee and Labor Relations Manual.
n MAN IMM, Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual.
n PUB 5, Let’s Do Business.
n PUB 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail.
n PUB 223, Directives and Forms Catalog.
n PS 2552, Parking Refund Request and Payment Authorization.
n PS 3203-X, Personalized Stamped Envelopes and Cards Order Form.
n PS 4003, Official Rural Route Description.
n PS 6001, Application for CAPS Account.
n PS 8175-A, Postage Statement — International Direct Entry.
— Brand and Policy, Corporate Communications, 9-27-18