Information Security

Protect Your Inbox

Access to a USPS® email account comes with responsibility. Employees must use their email for business purposes only, be careful of suspicious communications, and report threats. Developing cybersafe behaviors can help protect the vital information in your inbox.

Sensitive and External Emails

Emails addressed to external addresses that contain sensitive information must be encrypted by adding #sensitive# to the subject line of the email (this rule is not case sensitive). Sensitive information that requires encryption includes:

n Private information about individuals (birthdate, marital status, etc.).

n Law enforcement information and any material about an ongoing investigation.

n Information related to the protection of the Postal Service™.

Acceptable Use

Receiving emails from your USPS email on a personal device or receiving personal emails with your USPS device is prohibited.


If you suspect you have been targeted by a phishing email or received a suspicious email in your inbox:

n Do not click the links or open any attachments in the email.

n Report the email by clicking the “Report to CyberSafe” button on the top right of your screen under the “Home” tab in Outlook.

For more information about cybersecurity best practices, visit the CyberSafe at USPS® web pages on Blue ( and LiteBlue (