As the business environment of the Postal Service continues to change and retirement eligibility continues to be a significant risk, there is an urgent need to strengthen the leadership pipeline of the organization. The Postal Service’s Leadership Development and Talent Management team has been focusing on developing and implementing strategies that identify, assess and develop the next generation of leaders at all levels of the organization.
Recently, several important changes have been made to the Postal Service’s talent management programs, including:
- A Corporate Succession Planning (CSP) Open Season was held in 2013 which employed a new “leader led” process. Over 8,750 eligible EAS employees were considered and 1,714 new Potential Successors were selected. These new Potential Successors completed several assessments of the Executive competency and over 96% of them are currently working on Individual Development Plans (IDPs) geared to prepare them for expanded leadership roles.
- Additional funding was provided to support IDP activities of Potential Successors to our most critical PCES positions through a new Centrally Funded Development Program.
- An EAS Leadership Development (ELD) Program Open Season was held to identify talented employees who are interested in preparing for managerial roles in the field. Over 20,000 EAS employees were eligible, 3,659 applied — 2,665 were selected. These individuals are currently completing functional/technical and managerial assessments which will be used to develop robust IDPs.
To prepare employees for career advancement, learning opportunities are available for managers, executives, senior executives and officers. In addition to structured programs, there are virtual learning opportunities, and toolkits to help newly-appointed executives improve their negotiations, communications and organization skills. In 2013, the Postal Service also developed and piloted a customized Senior Executive Assessment and Development Center which will be used to prepare high potential executives for officer and Executive Leadership Team roles.
The Assessment Center was also augmented with strengthened executive coaching capabilities to aid our senior leaders with implementing robust development plans.
In FY2013, 843 employees participated in the following leadership programs: