FY2013 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations.

FY2013 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations.

I. Mail remains relevant in 2013

II. Significance of the mailing industry and USPS role in it

III. Operating for success in FY2013

Standardization and Network Optimization

Retail Access

Mail Preparation, Addressing, and Commercial Acceptance



Facilities Management


Total Factor Productivity

IV. Customer programs

Customer Experience Measurement

Postal Service Ranked Highest Trusted Government Agency for Privacy

Customer Outreach and Innovation

Corporate Call Centers

Improvements to USPS.com

V. Product development and modification

Domestic Mailing Services

Domestic Shipping Services

Global Business

Stamp Program

Price Changes

VI. Workplace initiatives

Measuring Employee Engagement

Controlling Labor Costs

Managing the Postal Workforce

Leadership Identification and Development

Effective Communication and Employee Engagement

Redesigning Training and Development Processes

Compensation and Benefits

Executive Compensation.

VII. Maintaining focus and managing change

We are focused on implementation

Structured, disciplined process

VIII. Resources and support

Supply Management

IX. Research and development

Secure Digital Solutions

X. Corporate social responsibility and sustainability efforts

Universal Service

Diversity in the Workforce

Supplier Diversity

Public Service and Community Support


USPS Awards

USPS Sustainability Management and Reporting

USPS Compliance with Regulations

Promoting Environmental Responsibility

Planning for the Future

XI. Postal reform — implications for 2014 and beyond
