Syracuse, NY, Colvin-Elmwood Post Office Green Roof Completed. Construction on the Postal Service’s second green roof has officially been completed. Officials in Onondaga County, NY funded the design and construction of the green roof atop the Colvin-Elmwood Post Office as part of a local Save the Rain Project. The 11,300 square-foot roof will reduce the amount of storm water runoff flowing into Syracuse’s municipal water system, providing an environmental benefit for the entire county. Construction began in 2012, and the roof planting began in spring 2013. The roof includes a new membrane, drainage sheet layers, indigenous vegetation and a wind blanket. The lifespan of the roof is approximately 50 years — nearly twice as long as the roof it is replacing — reducing maintenance costs for the facility.
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Understanding and reducing our carbon footprint is part of climate change mitigation, but we are learning to adapt as well. In FY2012, we completed our initial high level climate change adaptation plan. In FY2013, we began to develop a corporate plan. This plan will help identify where USPS is vulnerable to climate change — and how we can avoid and minimize disruptions in mail service. For the Postal Service, climate change adaptation planning is a form of risk management. The impacts of climate change could burden or disrupt our ability to provide mail service due to factors including an increase in frequency, intensity, and/or duration of extreme weather events, increased flooding driven by storms and rising sea levels, changes in temperature, precipitation and drought patterns and stress on the nation’s transportation infrastructure. In the years ahead, USPS will be shaped by transformative forces, including economic, environmental, societal and technological shifts. We deliver to every community in America, touching the lives of millions of citizens. Therefore, proactive planning for potential disruptions to mail service is part of our mission. You can read our plan at: