Retirement Opportunity Offered to American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Employees. At the beginning of FY2013, the USPS announced a Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) and Special Incentive Offer to employees represented by the American Postal Workers Union (APWU). The total incentive amount was $15,000 for full-time employees and a pro-rated amount for part-time employees. The incentive was offered to APWU employees eligible to retire under VER, APWU employees who had reached their minimum retirement age and service requirements, and those who wished to voluntarily resign. A total of 22,842 APWU employees accepted this special offer.
Arbitration Decisions Reached with the NALC and NPMHU. An arbitration decision on a contract between the Postal Service and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) was reached in January. The contract went into effect January 10, 2013, through May 20, 2016. In February, the binding arbitration process between the USPS and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) concluded and a contract went into effect February 15, 2013, which lasts through May 20, 2016. The results of the NALC and NPMHU Interest Arbitration Awards included several similar provisions: