Develop portfolio of high-priority initiatives
Understand business environment
Identify risks and opportunities
Seek and incorporate stakeholder feedback
Rigorous cross-functional development of potential initiatives, using standard tools
Establish accountabilities, form teams, develop detailed charters
ELT sponsor assigns accountable “champion”
Cross-functional teams
Financial cost and benefits assessment (business case)
Milestones, timelines, objectives (road maps)
Rigor test the quality of the road maps by asking the following questions:
Execute plans against road map with detailed cross-functional review
Formal Lean Six Sigma and Project Management training
Web-based tracking and reporting tools
Strategic Management Office support for Initiative Leads and Road map Owners
Red-yellow-green reporting (schedule variance, risk scores, resulting variance)
Regular structure and intensive senior management review
Biweekly “Deep Dives” with ELT
Cross-functional team reports
Link to investment/budget (business case update)
Risk and barrier analysis (what is keeping you from completing necessary tasks?)
Adjustments and remediation
In FY2013, the Postal Service focused on a portfolio of 24 strategic initiatives that the Postal Service is striving to implement to meet its ambitious performance and financial goals. This portfolio of initiatives is dynamic and changes as priorities and resources require, and as programs are completed or adjusted based on external events. These initiatives support Postal corporate-wide goals.
The strategic initiatives identified for FY2013 were designed to respond to the economic and competitive environment currently facing the Postal Service. Many of these initiatives contribute to achieving multiple goals. For example improving the customer experience is also very important for revenue generation and improving the financial position of the Postal Service. Progress is tracked through a detailed reporting system and is reviewed every two weeks by the Executive Leadership Team for the Postal Service.
FY2013 strategic initiatives
In FY2013, we continued to make improvements to our governance processes using industry best practice approaches to ensure successful outcomes. In June 2013, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) completed an audit of the DRIVE process. In its final audit report, the OIG found that the Postal Service’s DRIVE program compares favorably to the best-in-class management practices.