In FY2014, the Postal Service introduced mPOS (Mobile Point of Sale) devices in 69 locations nationwide, performing over 760,000 transactions and generating $3.4 million in revenue. This technology allows customer service representatives to process many simple transactions away from the Full-Service counter, a strategy known in the retail industry as “line busting.” The solution consists of an Apple iPod Touch, an integrated barcode imager/credit card reader, a wireless receipt printer and a wireless label printer, allowing Post Offices to improve the customer experience and reduce our cost to serve.
Customers benefit from the convenience of being able to conduct transactions quickly and efficiently. Services such as Priority Mail Flat-Rate postage, acceptance of prepaid mail (PC Postage) and purchasing Forever stamp booklets and other retail products (such as ReadyPost or greeting cards) can be transacted with a major credit card in the lobby with the option of an email or paper receipt. mPOS technology was used to improve customer service in the high-growth Bakken oil fields of North Dakota and Montana, as well as to support “Tax Day” activities in major metropolitan cities. mPOS is being expanded to an additional 3,000 Post Offices in FY2015.