Postal-Owned Transportation

The postal-owned fleet is predominantly used for the transportation and delivery of mail. However, postal vehicles are also used for law enforcement, maintenance support, mobile Post Offices, and other functions. During 2009, the active postal vehicle fleet was reduced by more than 10,448 vehicles through network improvements and efficiency efforts in addition to the replacement of higher rural Equipment Maintenance Allowance cost vehicles.

image of a postal tractor trailer

Postal Vehicle Inventory


Vehicle Type

End of Year

Delivery and Collection (1/2–2 ton)


Mail Transport (Tractors and Trailers)


Mail Transport (3–11 ton)


Administrative and Other


Service (Maintenance)


Inspection Service and Law Enforcement


The Postal Service continues to explore alternative fuel technology. The T3, a three-wheel delivery vehicle that runs solely on electricity for pennies a mile, is being tested in Florida, California, and Arizona as a possible replacement for some traditional vehicles. The Postal Service received 6,500 vehicles, including 1,000 E-85 ethanol-capable and 900 hybrid gasoline/electric vehicles, through a General Services Administration program to increase the use of fuel-efficient vehicles.