Mail Transport Equipment

Mail transport equipment (MTE) is the term given to sacks, trays, pallets, and wheeled containers that contain mail as it moves within or between facilities. The Mail Transport Equipment Service Center (MTESC) is an integrated network of 23 facilities that manage the MTE inventory, oversee repairs, store MTE, and distribute to internal and external customers. MTESC processes over 230,000 orders annually, serving 1,800 postal facilities and large-volume mailers.

Multiple efforts are underway to improve MTE performance and durability while reducing costs and any negative environmental impact. There is also an ongoing effort to standardize the MTE inventory to improve integration and reduce costs. An aggressive campaign to recover MTE improperly used outside the postal network was initiated to reduce equipment replacement costs. A hotline number and e-mail address were created and customers are encouraged to return equipment to local Post Offices and plants. The effort resulted in the recovery of $385,000 worth of equipment this year.