Chapter 3: Operations

Standardization and Network Optimization

Lean Six Sigma

Standardization continues to play a major role in improving service and efficiency in all operations and support activities. Lean Six Sigma (LSS) tools such as value stream mapping are used to simplify and standardize processes. Best practices are documented and shared throughout the organization to create a culture of continuous improvement. Lean management efforts target process variability and help identify non-value activities. Over 800 continuous improvement initiatives have been identified in mail acceptance, operations, transportation, and service improvement.

New field operation industrial engineers are playing an important role in the expansion of continuous improvement. An additional 2,200 employees have completed LSS training, with 450 earning certification as LSS Executive, Green Belt, or Black Belt by leading key initiatives.

Earlier this year, the Postal Service received two awards at the International Quality and Productivity Center Lean Six Sigma Summit. As part of its commitment, the organization is providing training at all management levels to foster an environment where data-driven decisions lead to improved performance, positive financial gains, and improved teamwork and employee commitment.