Safety. Performance is tracked using methodology required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). It measures the number of injuries and illnesses that occur per 200,000 hours, a standard basis for calculating incidence rates. Most employees transport, distribute, and handle mail, which involves physical labor and constant, often repetitive motion and lifting. Many are exposed to adverse weather in the normal course of their duties, as well as traffic and other hazards such as dog bites. Safety is a critical issue which also carries significant cost and service implications. Work-related injuries have been reduced by almost 50 percent in the last 10 years. This result is the product of continuous vigilance and a disciplined approach to identify and eliminate potential hazards and unsafe behavior.
Voice of the Employee (VOE). The survey is an important diagnostic of how well the Postal Service engages employees in the organization’s mission. Each quarter, one-fourth of career employees receive a survey package at their work location. Participation is voluntary. Employees are given time on the clock to complete the surveys, which are mailed to an independent contractor for analysis and report preparation. The performance indicator is an index consisting of survey questions and statements relating to employee engagement. The index score is the average of favorable employee responses to the following questions/statements:
*In 2011, this question will change to “I receive information to perform my job safely.”