III. Contracting Authority/Responsibility, Systems, and Contracting Data

Contracting Authority/Responsibility

The authority and responsibility for all procurement contracting actions within the Postal Service (with the exception of real estate and related services contracts) are consolidated within the Supply Management (SM) organization. Real estate contracting authority is delegated to the Vice President, Facilities.

Local purchases of up to $10K can be executed by individuals through delegated local buying authority. Local purchases and contract actions valued at less than $10K are not subject to the competition requirements. Table 1 provides the approval levels for noncompetitive contract actions.


Table 1. Level of SM Approval for Non-Competitive Contract Actions

Estimated values of proposed contract action

Approved by

$10K to $250K

Team Leader/Manager

>$250K to $10M (except for Professional and Consultant Services)

Portfolio Manager

$10 million or greater

Vice President

$1 million of Professional and Consultant Services

Vice President