Appendix G. Noncompetitive Purchases – Management Instruction (SP S2-2011-1)

In addition to the SPs and Ps, the noncompetitive purchase management instruction (MI) outlines the noncompetitive process. The MI is available internally on the Postal Service Intranet site:

The MI is attached for external readers who do not have access to the Postal Service intranet site.

mi sp s2-2011-1 page 1 of 8

mi sp s2-2011-1 page 2 of 8

mi sp s2-2011-1 page 3 of 8

mi sp s2-2011-1 page 4 of 8

mi sp s2-2011-1 page 5 of 8

mi sp s2-2011-1 page 6 of 8

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