For purposes of this report, the following contract-related data terms and definitions are provided as follows:
- Contract Action: a new contract, delivery order, task order, work order, modification to, or termination of a contract
- Commitments: funding that is added to a contract against which payments are made. Commitments may extend over multiple fiscal years and are equivalent to contract obligations as reported by other agencies in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS-NG). However, not all contracts have committed funds. Therefore, the total committed values of the contracts will be different than spend against contracts within a fiscal year. An example of a non-committed contract is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract that has a contractual minimum but orders are placed via the Postal Service on-catalog ordering system (eBuy2); the spend will occur against the contract but there will be no contractual commitments above the minimums of the contract. Commitments also include de-commitments that may occur during the life of a contract due to a reduction in scope or at the end of a contract during the contract close-out process to remove committed funds not spent.
- Non-Personnel Operating Expenses: expenses reported in the Postal Service 10-K and consists of transportation and other expenses. The majority of the non-personnel operating expenses are based on “spend” (defined below) but also include some financial adjustments based on 10-K reporting standards. Capital spend within the year is reflected via depreciation over multiple years.
- Spend: payments to suppliers within a fiscal year. Spend may be for expense or capital purchases throughout the year. Spend may also be offset by credits from suppliers. This CA report does not classify spend into competitive or noncompetitive because spend may be against contracts awarded in previous years that have not been updated to reflect the competitive/noncompetitive classification. Spend may also be for local purchases (less than $10K) and thus not against a contract but through credit cards or other local payment methods.